Swan Valley West Drops Lawsuit Against Bill Gade

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It was standing room only in the Council Chambers of Swan Valley West on April 25, 2017 as Council met to vote on various resolutions aimed at ending the ongoing lawsuit against Bill Gade and his CJ104 radio station.

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Swan Valley West Files Lawsuit Against Bill Gade

A delegation was heard prior to the vote, where ratepayers John Borley and Ron Medwid, gave a heartfelt plea to the municipality to continue the lawsuit.

The statement they had prepared was read by Borley.

“It is so sad that matters have progressed to this point. That the members of our community are now afraid to step forward and stand for what is right and just.” Borley read.

The delegation expressed concern that, should the lawsuit be dropped, the financial cost to the municipality could actually be greater as the municipality could be sued by Gade as well as by employees affected by Gade’s verbal attacks.

Reference was made both by the delegation and several council members throughout the meeting that Council had previously incurred over $200,000 in settlement and legal expenses as a result of the replacement of the former CAO. Gade had frequently targeted the former CAO in editorials and news broadcasts on his radio station and, prior to the end of her employment, she had reportedly been granted stress leave as a result of the effects of the harassment.

“Let’s be very clear.” said Borley “This council and our community are in this position for one reason and one reason only. Mr. Bill Gade’s continued, public, personal, verbal attacks on members of this council and municipal employees.”

The delegation expressed further concern regarding Gade’s ongoing actions of bullying and intimidation and the risk of exposing the municipality to liability by ending the lawsuit.

“The definition of altercation clarifies your question about physical conduct – and physically blocking someone from leaving qualifies.”
– Bill Gade/CJ104

“In closing, we would conclude by asking the council to be rational. Do what’s right. Not only for this municipal body, but for the community as a whole. Keep the lawsuit going forward.” the delegation challenged. “Let us be able to hear and respect what the judge/court of this land will say and rule. This community needs its day in court.”

The delegation also commented on Councillor Burick’s publicly known association and friendship with Gade and asked Burick to recuse himself from voting on the resolutions. Following the delegation and some additional discussion by council members, the vote was called.

Councillors Steen, Burick, Blosha and Foster voted in favor of rescinding the November 29, 2016 resolution to proceed with legal action in the effort to protect the municipal staff, and in favor of terminating the lawsuit against CJ104. Councillors Neely, Minish and Reeve Scouten voted against the motions.

Near the end of the meeting, Verne Scouten tendered his resignation as Reeve of the Municipality of Swan Valley West.

Scouten Resigns In Wake Of Lawsuit Vote

Bill Gade Background Information