Community Gathers for Christmas Day Supper

Submitted by Anna Fullerton |

We held our 8th annual supper on December 25th, 2024 at the Elks Hall with 75 guests attending and a further 6 take outs. Every year the event is a little different with some new faces – guests and volunteers. Some guests and helpers attend every year since we began in 2015 at the Senior Centre. But the suppers have always been for everyone who was alone for the holiday.

We wish to thank all who have given such tremendous support: the people who helped in any way, donating financially or giving of their time, setting up, cooking, serving, picking up guests, delivering meals or clean up. Everyone contributed to making this year’s supper another success.

We thank Services to Seniors for their major donation. Also, donations by Swan Valley Co-op, Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre, Swan River Elks (for the use of the hall) and the Star& Times (for the notices) were much appreciated.

As of December 28, 2024, we had donations totaling $2400.00 from this year and a balance of $518.94 from 2023. Our expenses this year were $793.61. Some bills and donations are not yet in, but there will be a healthy balance for future Christmas Supper events.

For the gift bags which all guests received, we are so grateful to the Community Foundation of Swan Valley for their grant money which helped greatly. Businesses who donated or gave discounts were: Sas Family Home Centre, Benito, Giant Tiger, Red Apple, Peavey Mart, Great Canadian Dollar Store, Swan River Dollar Store, Home Hardware, Ace, DQ, A&W, McDonalds and Tim Hortons. Your efforts are all much appreciated. Brenda Sas is to be commended for getting donations, buying and putting together 80 gift bags on short notice.

Billie Werenich and I began the Christmas Day Suppers in 2015 at the Senior Centre in response to a need for persons or families who were alone at such an important holiday. The late Florence Gray began this event in early 2000s at the St. James Anglican Church. We moved to the Elks Hall in 2016 as a bigger kitchen was necessary. Thank you to Swan River Elks for accommodating us for free.

The Alone at Christmas Suppers have truly been community efforts and celebrations. This year is the last time that I have coordinated the events. I have truly enjoyed meeting so many good people and I will miss those contacts. Hopefully someone or an organization will continue the annual supper. If not, the balance will be given to various local charities.

Anna Fullerton and Billie Werenich