Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – September 10, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

September 10, 2024

Northwest Region
A mix of weather this week still allowed for good harvest progress. Unsettled weather events did bring thunderstorms to parts of the region, including hail in the Swan Valley area. There was varying degrees of damage to some crops. Pipe Lake station received the most recorded precipitation at 16 mm, while the lowest recorded precipitation was Swan River station with just under 1 mm. Some areas along the western portion of the region received a light frost, with temperatures close to 0 but it wasn’t a killing frost. Swan Valley station was lowest
recorded overnight temperature at 0.5 °C. High day time temperatures helped crops to move along over the weekend with The Pas station the highest at 32.6 °C.

Some crops remain lodged from previous high winds and continue to be a challenge for harvest and may possibly affect quality with recent rains and heavy dew. Some post-harvest field operations are being done as time allows.

Field pea harvest is approximately 95% complete. Average yield so far is 60 to 65 bu/acre.

Spring wheat harvest continues across the region and is approximately 40% complete. Lodged fields have made for some slow progress in some fields. Average reported yield so far is approximately 65 to 70 bu/acre. Some fields are averaging less at 40 to 50 bu/acre, and some have reported up to 80 bu/acre.

Canola harvest is also underway and is approximately 15% complete across the region. Some areas are more advanced in progress while other areas haven’t started yet. Swathing and desiccation continues as stages are reached. No reported yields yet.

Soybean crops are in the R6-R7 stage and looking good. Recent heat has helped and advanced the crops quickly. Winter wheat and fall rye crop harvest is approximately 99% complete.

Provincial Overview
Harvest continues in winter cereals, spring cereals, and peas. Yield reports range from 40-110 bu/acre for fall rye and winter wheat, 25-90 bu/acre in spring wheat, 80-180 bu/acre in oat, and 90-115 bu/acre in barley. Canola harvest has started in all regions with Central regions at 45% complete. Pea yields range from 30-65 bu/acre. Corn fields are at the R5 stage(dent). Earlier seeded sunflower fields were in the R8 (back of the head fully yellow, bracts remaining green) growth stage while later seeded fields were at the R7 growth stage (back of the head turning yellow). Overall crop condition is considered good.

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