Town of Swan River Minutes – July 7, 2020

The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 7:30 pm in the Town Council Chambers with Mayor Jacobson presiding and Deputy Mayor Wintoniw, Councillors Whyte, Friesen, Moriaux, Gray and Delaurier present.

Also Present in person:
Staff – ACAO P. Henkelman, PW Director D. Poole
Also Present via video conference: Fin Director T. Gnida, Fire Chief D. Fedorchuk

Media – Star and Times Reporter, Jeremy Bergen

1. Call meeting to order

Mayor Jacobson called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

Resolution No: 2020-341
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that the Agenda for the July 7, 2020 regular meeting of Council be adopted as received.

3. Confirmation of the minutes

Resolution No: 2020-342
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that the minutes of the June 16, 2020 regular council meeting and the June 23, 2020 special meeting be received and approved.

4. Reception of Delegations and Hearings

4.1 Livingston – Mark Maga & Kelly Kim Rea

To discuss fire protection for Livingstone.

5. Reception of Petitions

6. Communications

6.1 Swan Valley RISE resolution to reduce levies

Resolution No: 2020-343
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
RESOLVED that the Swan Valley Regional Initiative for a Strong Economy resolution dated May 21, 2020 be received as information.

6.2 To receive building permit applications

Resolution No: 2020-344
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that Building Permits 37/20 through 46/20 with a total estimated value of $275,100 be received.

6.3 Memo from Taxervice re 2020 Tax Sale

Resolution No: 2020-345
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
RESOLVED that the memo received by email from Taxervice on June 29, 2020 regarding the 2020 Tax Sale process be received as information.

7. Reports of Committees

7.1 Director of Public Works Report

Resolution No: 2020-346
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED the Director of Public Works report be received.

7.2 Other Reports

7.2.1 Handivan Report for June 2020

Resolution No: 2020-347
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the June 2020 Swan River Handi-Transit Van Report be received as information.

7.3 Council and CAO Reports

8. New Business

8.1 Accept Conditional Use application 2.2020

Resolution No: 2020-348
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the Application for Conditional Use 2.2020 be received and Public Hearing be held on July 21, 2020 at 7:30 pm.

8.2 To receive the Swan Valley RISE 2019 audited financial statements

Resolution No: 2020-349
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
RESOLVED that the Swan Valley Regional Initiative for a Strong Economy audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 be received.

8.3 To receive the North-West Regional Library 2019 audited financial statements

Resolution No: 2020-350
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that the North-West Regional Library audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 be received.

8.4 Support for CT Scanner

8.4.1 Use of G7 Physician Retention and Recruitment Fund

Resolution No: 2020-351
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
WHEREAS the purchase of a CT scanner to be used at the Swan Valley Health Centre would benefit all residents of the Swan River Valley;
AND WHEREAS all municipalities of the Swan River Valley are in support of purchasing such CT scanner;
AND WHEREAS a proposal has been put forward to the province of Manitoba to see that a CT Scanner be purchased for the Swan River Valley and one of the principals outlined in the proposal was that the Capital costs of the CT Scanner would come from the Swan River Valley.
AND WHEREAS it has been reiterated many times by our local physicians that a CT Scanner will contribute greatly to our ability to retain existing and recruited new physicians
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Swan River agrees to use $600,000.00 from the G7 Physician Retention and Recruitment Fund towards the purchase of a CT scanner.

8.4.2 Request to Swan Valley Health Facilities Foundation

Resolution No: 2020-352
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
WHEREAS the purchase of a CT scanner to be used at the Swan Valley Health Centre would benefit all residents of the Swan River Valley;
AND WHEREAS all municipalities of the Swan River Valley are in support of purchasing such CT scanner;
AND WHEREAS a proposal has been put forward to the province of Manitoba to see that a CT Scanner be purchased for the Swan River Valley and one of the principals outlined in the proposal was that the Capital costs of the CT Scanner would come from the Swan River Valley.
AND WHEREAS it has been reiterated many times by our local physicians that a CT Scanner will contribute greatly to our ability to retain existing and recruited new physicians
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Swan River along with the other municipalities of the Swan River Valley to jointly submit a request to the Swan Valley Health Facilities Foundation. This request being a contribution be made by the Foundation towards the capital costs of the CT Scanner in the amount of $300,000.

8.4.3 Town of Swan River Contribution

Resolution No: 2020-353
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
WHEREAS the purchase of a CT scanner to be used at the Swan Valley Health Centre would benefit all residents of the Swan River Valley;
AND WHEREAS all municipalities of the Swan River Valley are in support of purchasing such CT scanner;
AND WHEREAS a proposal has been put forward to the province of Manitoba to see that a CT Scanner be purchased for the Swan River Valley and one of the principals outlined in the proposal was that the Capital costs of the CT Scanner would come from the Swan River Valley.
AND WHEREAS it has been reiterated many times by our local physicians that a CT Scanner will contribute greatly to our ability to retain existing and recruited new physicians.
AND WHEREAS it is proposed that funding for this endeavour shall come from a variety of sources, included the G7 Medical Recruitment and Retention fund ($600,000), the health facilities foundation ($300,000), as well as community fundraising ($400,000).
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Swan River agrees to contribute its proportionate share towards any shortfall. Shares of any shortfall amount shall be determined using the 2016 census.

9. Unfinished Business

10. Accounts

10.1 To approve accounts

Resolution No: 2020-354
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
RESOLVED THAT the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
1. General Account Cheques No. 26264 to No. 26399 for a total of $897,747.80
(Cheque No. 26350 voided due to incorrect amount, reissued as Cheque No. 26368)
2. Payroll Account Cheques No. 4683 to No. 4688 for a total of $97,367.49
3. Payroll Account Cheques No. 4689 to No. 4693 for a total of $20,167.93

10.2 To transfer from Machinery Reserve for garbage truck

Resolution No: 2020-355
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: David Moriaux
WHEREAS the 2020 Capital Budget included $300,000.00 for Garbage Truck to be Borne by the Machinery Replacement Reserve, and the truck has been purchased at a cost (net of GST) of $248,833.52;
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that $248,833.52 be transferred from the Machinery Replacement Reserve Fund to the General Operating Fund.

11. By-Laws

11.1 Second reading of By-Law 3/2020 to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for Main Street water and sewer renewal

Resolution No: 2020-356
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that By-Law 3/2020, being a By-law to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for rehabilitation of the water mains, water and sewer services, road structure and drainage, and the provisions for temporary water services, including all ancillary works thereof, on Main Street from Provincial Trunk Highway No. 83 to the CN Rail Crossing, be read a second time.

11.2 Second reading of By-Law 4/2020 Special Service – Police Protection

Resolution No: 2020-357
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 4/2020, being a by-law of the Town of Swan River to establish a rate for Police Protection as a special service for the Town of Swan River for the years 2020 and 2021 both inclusive, be read a second time.

11.3 Second reading of By-Law 5/2020 Special Services – Other

Resolution No: 2020-358
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 5/2020, being a by-law of the Town of Swan River to establish a rate for the following Special Services: Fire Protection, Street Lighting, Street Cleaning, Sidewalks and Boulevards, Ditches and Drainage, Doctor Recruitment, Snow Removal and Dust Control, Road Maintenance and Reconstruction, and Emergency Measures, for the Town of Swan River for the years 2020 and 2021 both inclusive, be read a second time.

11.4 Second reading of By-Law 7/2020 expenditure and borrowing for incident command vehicle

Resolution No: 2020-359
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: David Gray
RESOLVED that By-Law 7/2020, being a By-law to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for the purchase of a firefighting incident command vehicle, be read a second time.
Jason Delaurier – no
Phylis Friesen – yes
David Gray – yes
Lance Jacobson – yes
David Moriaux – yes
Duane Whyte – yes
Johnny Wintoniw – yes

11.5 Second reading of By-Law 8/2020 expenditure and borrowing for loader-backhoe

Resolution No: 2020-360
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that By-Law 8/2020, being a By-law to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for the purchase of a loader-backhoe, be read a second time.

11.6 Second reading of By-Law 9/2020 expenditure and borrowing for pool building repairs

Resolution No: 2020-361
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that By-Law 9/2020, being a By-law to provide for the repair and renovation of the Richardson Recreation and Wellness Centre Whirlpool, HVAC and Building Envelope, including gathering, planning, designing and all other related requirements, be read a second time.

11.7 Third reading of By-Law 12/2020 to create a reserve fund for the replacement of rental tables and chairs

Resolution No: 2020-362
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that Town of Swan River By-Law No. 12/2020, being a by-law to establish a reserve fund for the replacement of rental tables and chairs, be read a third time and be passed.
Jason Delaurier – yes
Phylis Friesen – yes
David Gray – yes
Lance Jacobson – yes
David Moriaux – yes
Duane Whyte – yes
Johnny Wintoniw – yes

11.8 Third reading of By-Law 3/2020 to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for Main Street water and sewer renewal

Resolution No: 2020-363
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that By-Law 3/2020, being a By-law to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for rehabilitation of the water mains, water and sewer services, road structure and drainage, and the provisions for temporary water services, including all ancillary works thereof, on Main Street from Provincial Trunk Highway No. 83 to the CN Rail Crossing, be read a third time and be passed.
Jason Delaurier – yes
Phylis Friesen – yes
David Gray – yes
Lance Jacobson- yes
David Moriaux – yes
Duane Whyte – yes
Johnny Wintoniw – yes

11.9 Third reading of By-Law 4/2020 Special Service – Police Protection

Resolution No: 2020-364
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Gray
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 4/2020, being a by-law of the Town of Swan River to establish a rate for Police Protection as a special service for the Town of Swan River for the years 2020 and 2021 both inclusive, be read a third time and be passed.
Jason Delaurier – yes
Phylis Friesen – yes
David Gray- yes
Lance Jacobson – yes
David Moriaux – yes
Duane Whyte – yes
Johnny Wintoniw – yes

11.10 Third reading of By-Law 5/2020 Special Services – Other

Resolution No: 2020-365
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 5/2020, being a by-law of the Town of Swan River to establish a rate for the following Special Services: Fire Protection, Street Lighting, Street Cleaning, Sidewalks and Boulevards, Ditches and Drainage, Doctor Recruitment, Snow Removal and Dust Control, Road Maintenance and Reconstruction, and Emergency Measures, for the Town of Swan River for the years 2020 and 2021 both inclusive, be read a third time and be passed.
Jason Delaurier – yes
Phylis Friesen – yes
David Gray – yes
Lance Jacobson – yes
David Moriaux – yes
Duane Whyte – yes
Johnny Wintoniw – yes

12. Notice of Motion

13. In Camera

Resolution No: 2020-366
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
Seconded By: David Gray
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of the Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public. Items to be discussed:
– Legal matter (development)
– Personnel
– G4
Councillor Gray left the meeting at 8:20 pm prior to discussion on legal matter.

14. Out of Camera

Resolution No: 2020-367
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that pursuant to Sections 152(4) of the Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.

15. Adjournment

Resolution No: 2020-368
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that this regular Meeting of Council now adjourn at 9:52 pm.