Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
May 12, 2020 |
Northwest Region
In spite of cool temperatures and strong, cold winds, seeding is progressing in the Northwest region. Daytime temperatures hovered in the mid-teens with overnight temperatures dropping down around -5°C through the week. The soil is slowly warming up and soil moisture is generally adequate throughout the region.
Soils are dryer on the southeast side of the region and wetter in northern areas. A spring snowstorm dumped rapidly melting snow in the Roblin area over the weekend, but it did not significantly hinder seeding operations.
There was progress on field operations and spring seeding over the week including some harrowing, fertilizer applications, pre-seed herbicide applications, seeding of wheat, peas and some canola. The exception is The Pas where a few more days of good weather is needed before spring operations will begin. Clean up from the 2019 season continues, where unharvested crop remains.
Approximately 10 to 15% of the spring wheat crop is seeded in the Swan River area. Around Roblin, seeding conditions are good with more of the crop in the ground. About 30% of the spring cereals and 80% of field peas are seeded in that part of the region. Canola seeding is underway and estimated at 5 to 10% complete. Fababean around Swan River are 25 to 30% seeded. Seeding around Dauphin is also underway and estimated at 5% complete. Winter cereals are greening up well and seem to have made it through the winter in good condition.
Volunteer plants, including cereals and canola, are becoming evident in many fields. Weed growth including stinkweed, dandelions, hemp nettle, thistle, quackgrass and wild oats is general throughout the area. Insect activity is quiet.
Cold overnight temperatures still inhibiting growth on forages and pastures. It will be some time before there is sufficient growth to sustain grazing. Dugouts are adequate to full.