Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
October 29, 2019 |
Northwest Region
Some harvest operations took place at the beginning of the week however, snow by the weekend brought operations to a standstill.
All areas of the Northwest region are currently snow covered.
Spring wheat harvest is approximately 99% complete in all parts of the region. Canola harvest is 95 to 99% complete at Roblin, The Pas, and Swan River with Dauphin and south of Roblin estimated at 90%. Canola yields range from 50 to 70 bu/acre. Soybean harvest at Roblin and Swan River is virtually complete; around Dauphin soybeans are 90% complete. Soybeans combined last week came off at high moisture; yields ranged from 25 to 35 bu/ac in Swan River; 33 to 41 bu/ac at Roblin. The flax crop is harvested in Swan River and Roblin. Grain corn is being harvested as conditions allow, approximately 20% complete.
With better weather conditions this past week, additional feed was harvested including straw, second cut alfalfa and annual crops as greenfeed or round bale silage. Corn silage harvest is generally wrapping up with the exception of a few fields currently to wet for field travel. Some fields of annuals originally intended for grazing have been harvested as round bale silage because of high nitrate levels. Fields of annual crops that remain to be harvested as greenfeed or silage and recent snowfall has stopped field operations. Producers experiencing feed shortages continue to source additional feed. Fall round up of moving herds back home is underway.