Taryn’s Hope for Sight Supper Fundraiser – Oct 14, 2017

Submitted by:
Crystal Nepinak |

Taryn’s Hope for Sight
Supper Fundraiser

Sat. October 14, 2017
5:30PM – 7:30PM
Minitonas Town Hall

$20 per plate
Take Out Available

Tickets Available at:
Minitonas Community Store
Valley Meat Packers
Renaissance Hair Salon

For information contact:
Corina 204.734.0581, Colinda 204.525.4361 or Crystal 204.281.1554

Taryn’s Story

Taryn Leason, oldest daughter of Kelly and Tricia Leason has recently been diagnosed with Stargardt disease.

Stargardt disease is a form of inherited juvenile macular degeneration. Taryn is already losing her central vision at a rapid rate and can no longer drive. On June 21st their youngest daughter, Kennedi, was also told by the retina specialist her retina scans were consistent with Taryn’s but in the very early stages so she likely has Stargardt also.

Genetic testing results have confirmed Taryn’s Stargardt diagnosis and the family waits for Kennedi’s test results. Both Kelly and Tricia are waiting on the paperwork to start their genetic testing process.

The family has made the decision that Taryn will receive stem cell therapy at Beike Biotechnology Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand this fall. Taryn’s first treatment will be on November 7 and will continue for the next 20 days. The treatment is not performed in Canada nor is it covered by provincial healthcare.

Beike Biotechnology Hospital is one of the world’s largest stem cell facilities and leaders in stem cell research. We are hopeful that stem cell treatment will restore some of her lost vision, or at least stop the progression completely.