Town of Swan River Minutes – March 21, 2017

The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 at 7:30 pm in the Town Council Chambers with Deputy Mayor Jacobson presiding and Councillors Friesen, Whyte, Moriaux, Delaurier and Sakal present.  Mayor McKenzie was absent with permission.

1 Call to order

2 Adoption of Agenda

Resolution No: 2017.150
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that the Agenda for the March 21, 2017 regular meeting of Council be received.

3 Adoption of Minutes

Resolution No: 2017.151
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that the minutes of the March 8th, 2017 regular meeting and the March 14th, 2017 special meeting of Council be adopted as received.

4 Delegations and Hearings

4.1 Delegation – SV Crisis Centre – Crystal Duchesne
Crystal Duschene was invited by Council to provide some information about the Swan Valley Crisis Centre.  The Crisis Centre is a non-profit organization funded by the Family Violence Prevention Program, foundations and other private donations and fundraising activities.  The Centre offers: confidential service, a 24 hour crisis line, emergency accommodation and care for victims of abuse and their children, community based second stage housing for up to one year, weekly women’s support group, information and referrals, supportive individual counselling and advocacy, children’s’ counselling and support group, parenting programs, educational programs to community agencies, schools and individuals, resource library and videos, books and pamphlets.  Council commended Crystal and her team for their hard work and valuable service they provide to the community. 

4.2 Delegation – Swan Valley Youth Soccer – Owen Parsons
The Swan Valley Soccer Club presented their proposal to build a shelter at the Rotary Soccer Park to Council.  They requested permission from Council and asked if the Town would accept donations on the Club’s behalf.  Council expressed their appreciation to the Club for taking this initiative to improve recreation in the Valley. 

Resolution No: 2017.152
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that the Town is in support of the Swan Valley Soccer Club’s proposal to construct a shelter at the Rotary Soccer Park;
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Swan River will accept donations towards this project on behalf of the Swan Valley Soccer Club. 

5 Reports

5.1 Superintendent of Works Report

Resolution No: 2017.153
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Works report be received.

5.2 Admin Meeting Minutes

5.3 Council Member and CAO reports

6 By-Laws

6.1 By-Law No. 7/2017 to rezone 224 9th Avenue North

Resolution No: 2017.154
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 7/2017 being a by-law to rezone the property described as Lots 11/12 Block 30 Plan 370 DLTO (224 9th Avenue North) from RS-5 Residential Single-Family Zone to RM Residential Multiple-Family Zone be read a first time. 


7.1 To approve accounts

Resolution No: 2017.155
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
1. General Accounts from Cheque No.20335 to No.20383 for a total of $290,458.42. 
2. Payroll Account from Cheque No. 3956 to No. 3963 for a total of $107,560.22. 

7.2 To receive the Parkland Tourism February 13th, 2017 meeting agenda and minutes

Resolution No: 2017.156
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the Parkland Tourism February 13th, 2017 meeting agenda and minutes be received.

7.3 to authorize attendance at the AMM Municipal Officials Seminar

Resolution No: 2017.157
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that Councillor Sakal be authorized to attend the AMM Municipal Officials Seminar being held in Winnipeg, MB on April 12th and 13th, 2017.

7.4 to install street light

Resolution No: 2017.158
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that a street light be installed on the existing hydro pole located at the intersection of 11th Ave. South and 4th Street South.

7.5 to recover 2015 Utility Operating Fund deficit
Resolution No: 2017.159
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
WHEREAS the Town has a Utility Operating Fund deficit of $198,096 for the year 2015;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town of Swan River submit an application for approval to the Public Utilities Board proposing to recover the deficit through working capital surplus.

7.6 To receive letter of resignation

Resolution No: 2017.160
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the letter of resignation from the position of Facility Manager (attached as Schedule “A”) submitted by John Rooks be received.

7.7 to authorize attendance at Manitoba Planning Conference

Resolution No: 2017.161
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that Mayor McKenzie be authorized to attend the Manitoba Planning Conference being held in Winnipeg, MB on May 10th – 12th, 2017.

7.8 to authorize attendance at Disaster Management Conference

Resolution No: 2017.162
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that Ken Kirkpatrick be authorized to attend the Disaster Management Conference 2017 being held in Winnipeg, MB on May 31st – June 2, 2017.

7.9 to approve advertisement in Discover Swan Valley Tourism Guide

Resolution No: 2017.163
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that the Town participate in the shared advertisement in the Discover Swan Valley Tourism Guide for the total cost of $437.50.

7.10 to receive the SV District Recreation Commission Jan. 26, 2017 meeting minutes

Resolution No: 2017.164
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Sakal
RESOLVED that the Swan Valley District Recreation Commission January 26th, 2017 meeting minutes be received. 

7.10.1 to receive the SV District Recreation Commission 2017 Budget

Resolution No: 2017.165
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Sakal
RESOLVED that the Swan Valley District Recreation Commission 2017 Budget be received. 

7.10.2 to approve payment of the SV District Recreation Commission 2017 Levy

Resolution No: 2017.166
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Sakal
RESOLVED that the Swan Valley District Recreation Commission 2017 levy in the amount of $22,176.00 be approved for payment.

8 In Camera

Resolution No: 2017.167
Moved By: Jason Sakal
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of the Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public.

9 Out of Camera

Resolution No: 2017.168
Moved By: Jason Sakal
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that pursuant to Sections 152(4) of the Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.

10 Adjournment

Resolution No: 2017.169
Moved By: Jason Sakal
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that this regular Meeting of Council now adjourn.