Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development October 13, 2015 |
Northwest Region
Favourable harvest weather including drying winds and warm temperatures in the Northwest Region generally resulted in completion of harvest operations. Some fields of flax and soybeans are still remaining; harvest of hemp is just beginning. The favorable weather allowed major progress to be made in fall tillage operations and fertilizer applications.
Wheat harvest is generally complete in the region. The average yield for hard red spring wheat is 45 to 50 bu/acre with about 25% of the crop grading #1 CWRS, 55% grading #2 CWRS, and 20% grading #3 CWRS or less. Some producers are reporting high protein wheat and heavy bushel weights.
The canola harvest is also wrapping up at 95% complete. Those acres remaining were reseeded due to spring frost or delayed emergence due to dry spring conditions. Reported canola yields averaged approximately 45 to 50 bu/acre. The quality of canola harvested is average for the region with 70% #1 CAN and 30% #2 CAN.
Approximately 70% of the soybean crop is harvested. The average yield is estimated at 35 to 50 bu/acre, with 75% grading #2 CAN and 25% grading #3 CAN. Harvest of the field pea crop is complete with an average yield of 45 bu/acre grading #2 CAN. The flax crop is approximately 80% complete with an average yield of 25 bu/acre. Most of the flax is grading #2 CW.
The major limitation to crop production for 2015 in the Northwest Region was an early season frost resulting in reseeding of canola. Some canola was also affected by dry conditions in the spring which delayed germination and emergence. These reseeded acres and delayed emerging fields were later staged than the rest of the canola crop.
Producers were able to limit disease and insect pressure due to appropriate application of fungicides and insecticides to susceptible crops at the most beneficial stage.
Some second cut hay harvest still continues due to lack of frost in some areas of the North Parkland. Producers are still cutting meadows in native hay lands as well. Silage harvest is still occurring due to wet conditions delaying operations. Many producers still have cattle on pastures with the warmer weather a allowing for extended grazing. Water supplies are adequate.