Submitted by:
Rose Kovachik and
Lee & Rita Cryderman |
Rain, Rain go away!
Even though the forecast for rain may have eventually damped the ground, it did not dampen the spirits of loyal and new participants.
Pictures by: Rita Cryderman, Roseanne Coma and ValleyBiz
Click any picture for a larger version.
Almost twenty campers arrived Friday in preparation for this event, with many more pulling in on Saturday morning.
Then it began! Starting at 8:30am sharp on Saturday, August 2, 2015, the hall was booming with activity as almost 125 people went through the breakfast line within the first hour.
This kept the kitchen volunteers hopping. When everyone was satisfied that their bellies were full of the pancakes, sausages, hashbrowns, eggs, etc., they began disbursing to their activity of choice.
Our day didn’t start with warm sunny weather but we were bound to enjoy the day as approximately 70 riders of all ages from Minnesota, Saskatchewan & Manitoba all got dressed in our rain gear and headed out under rainy skies.
After a slight delay to allow the rain to pass, the horse ride entourage began on the journey following a new trail.
Part way down the trail the lite rain stopped and all enjoyed a 13 mile ride under cloudy skies that was neither hot nor cold for horse or rider.
At half way on our ride we enjoyed our hot dog lunch (cooked by Wade Kovachik), coffee & punch that was provided with the ride.
Plans are under way to clear new trail for our 18th Annual Cowan Trail Celebration to be held on Aug 27th, 2016.
Once the riders had cleared the area, ATV registration began, causing a massive line-up for the registration volunteers all at one. However, utilizing their past experience at this event, they managed to process everyone’s registration as quickly as possible. There were many compliments given that the trails were enjoyable and scenic. Those that won some of the many event prizes (from our long list of sponsors), probably had even an extra bounce in their step.
Upon return, for those that wished, there was a hearty supper waiting which included perogies and cabbage rolls of course. The supper, which started at 5:00pm, remained open until all were fed. Then with a little down time and with assistance of visitors, the hall was prepped for the dance that began thereafter.
The hall was once again filled as Kenny Thompson and his assistant began to fill the dance floor. A lunch being served late in the evening, showed another very welcoming line-up. It was obvious that the night was enjoyed by many as the dance floor remained full for almost every song, and the unanimous repeated shouting of “Encore” that was heard throughout the hall as the band tried to close.
For the outdoorsman, Cowan country is an excellent option with its variety of scenery and terrain. It can be seen that participants agree with this as they tend to be respectful of the trails and the natural habitats, so that it can remain that way for many years to come.
It was wonderful to see everyone come and participate in one way or another – whether it was to register for one of the trails, or just come to eat and catch-up with family and friends. There were also many new visitors who stressed their enjoyment and vowed to return again next year.
Just looking at the Cowan Community Centre yard Saturday morning with the hustle and bustle of campers, horses stretching their legs to get ready for the work ahead and the ATVs being prepped for their journey, it is a visual reminder that a small community can still come together. There are many volunteers required for this event with some putting in many hours from meal preparation, trail preparation, trail leading, registration, shifts throughout the night, clean-up, etc. Some were even family and friends visiting from afar. For such an event there are three necessities – volunteers, participants and sponsors. All of which are equally important and greatly appreciated.
A thank you to our sponsors for door prize donations & to the Cowan Ladies Committee for organizing & preparing another delicious supper!
To our riders on behalf of the Cowan Community Centre we want to thank you all for coming & hope to see you again next year!