Swan Valley Hoedowners: Ready to Go! – Oct 8 & 15, 2014

Submitted by:
Lloyd Gilchrist

The Swan Valley Hoedowners are Ready to Go for another season of square dancing.

The first two dances are free for new dancers.
October 8, 2014
October 15, 2014

So come on out and try it out for yourself!

Do you qualify to join the Swan Valley Hoedowners square dance club?

Answer these questions:

Do you enjoy listening to music?
Do you want physical exercise?
Do you enjoy a mental challenge?
Do you enjoy social times among friendly people?
Are you able to walk at a moderate rate?

If you were able to answer these questions with a “yes” then you are more than qualified to be an important member of the Swan Valley Hoedowners.

Notice that it is not necessary to have a partner, to be a dancer, to be musical, to have fancy clothing, or to have any prior knowledge of square dancing. We will be thrilled to have you show up at our dances which begin on Wednesday, October 8 at 7 p.m. at the Swan River Seniors Centre.

If you want more information, please call

Linda or Lloyd Gilchrist
at 204-734-3950 or

Fay Perrin
at 204-238-4976.

Here are some pictures of us having fun!

Click any picture for a larger version.