Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Town of Minitonas, held in the Council Chambers, Minitonas, Manitoba this 18th day of September, 2013 A.D. at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Barkowski
Councillors: Robb, Windsor, Bartel & Caruk
CAO: Carolyn Gordon
9:00 pm Lonnie Armistead re: Waste Management
1. W. Robb – S. Windsor
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented.
2. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Bank Reconciliation and the Financial Statement for the period ending August 31st, 2013 shall be approved as presented.
3. W. Robb – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT approval of payment be made for the List of Accounts numbered 5507 to 5556 inclusive, amounting to $47,029.58.
4. W. Robb – S. Windsor
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Minitonas does hereby approve the purchase of 10 new Tourism Signs as attached hereto.
5. D. Bartel – W. Robb
RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 4/2013, being a By-Law of the Town of Minitonas for the purpose of amending By-Law No. 5/2010 which provides borrowing for the construction of a new well for the Town Water Supply, shall be read a second time this 18th day of September, 2013 A.D.
6. J. Caruk – S. Windsor
RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 4/201, being a By-Law of the Town of Minitonas for the purpose of amending By-Law No. 5/2010 which provides borrowing for the construction of a new well for the Town Water Supply, shall be read a third time this 18th day of September, 2013 A.D., signed by the Mayor, and signed and sealed by the Chief Administrative Officer.
Barkowski yes
Caruk yes
Robb yes
Bartel yes
Windsor yes
7. W. Robb – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Animal Control Officer’s Report for the month of August, 2013 shall be accepted as presented, a copy of which is attached hereto, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT payment for contract services for Animal Control shall be made as per the aforementioned report.
8. S. Windsor – J. Caruk
WHEREAS the Favel River Bridge has been damaged by fire, possibly compromising the integrity of the Structure;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT in order to ensure public safety, the Minitonas Town Council agrees to hire the inspection services of Stantec as per the quote attached hereto.
9. W. Robb – S. Windsor
RESOLVED THAT the Minitonas Town Council does hereby approve the contract rate for Hall Rental as attached hereto.
10. W. Robb – S. Windsor
WHEREAS under Bill 33 of the Province of Manitoba, ‘The Municipal Modernization Act’, the Town of Minitonas must seek out a partner municipality with a common boundary to reach a total permanent population of over 1000, and;
WHEREAS the Minitonas Town Council has met with the councils of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas and the Village of Bowsman regarding the possibility of creating a partnership of the three municipalities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the members of the Council of the Town of Minitonas do hereby agree to the content of the attached ‘Draft Amalgamation Plan’ and the proposal of ‘Service Areas’ under current boundaries in order to provide for a smooth tax transition during the amalgamation process, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the date of November 6th, 2013 shall be set for Public Consultation regarding the details of the ‘Draft Amalgamation Plan’ and the process involved with merging the municipalities.
11. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Minitonas does hereby confirm the appointment of BMP Chartered Accountants as auditors for the municipality with respect to the Annual Audit for the 2013 Fiscal Year.
12. W. Robb – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the attached Invitation for Proposals for Audit Services shall be issued by the Town of Minitonas, and that an ad shall be placed in the Star & Times accordingly;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the deadline of November 15, 2013 shall be set for submission of said proposals to the municipality.
13. W. Robb – S. Windsor
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 10:50 pm to meet again for the next regular meeting of Council to be held on the 2ns day of October, 2013 A.D. at 7:00 pm.