Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives GO Teams & Crops Knowledge Centre June 17, 2013 |
Northwest Region
Through the latter part of last week, periods of unstable weather conditions including higher winds, cooler temperatures and scattered thundershowers, affected most of the Northwest Region.
Precipitation amounts varied widely with ranges of 5 to 25 mm with Winnipegosis and The Pas areas receiving the highest amounts. Soil moisture is generally adequate.
In localized sectors, short season crops and greenfeed cereals planting are completed. Crop growth is developing favorably with crop conditions rated of 70% cereals as excellent and canola at 70% good. Cereal crops are 80% at tillering stages, canola 65% seedling and 35% emerging or cotyledon, and 65% of the soybeans are at unifoliate staging or less. Most advanced crop development is through Roblin, Russell and Swan River areas.
Weed growth is significant with several flushes following previous scattered rain shower events. Herbicide applications, while somewhat hindered by weather conditions, is at 65% completed overall. Area variability of seeding dates and crop staging also is reflected in the extent of acres left to be sprayed for weed control.
Some reports of high flea beetle populations requiring treatment. Fields impacted tend to be the earliest seeded canola. Localized reports of cutworm activity are also reported. Canola insect trap counts continue to be very low.
Condition of forage and pasture are rated as good. Moisture supply is good to fair and some warmer temperatures are needed to increase growth rates. Dugout water levels remain adequate in all areas.