Swan Valley Farmer’s Market Looks Ahead for 2013

Submitted by:
Yoenne Ewald

The Swan Valley Farmer’s Market held their Annual General Meeting on February 28th 2013.

The meeting was well attended by existing and new members.

Delbert Taylor, Fay Perrin, Shirley Leask, Yoenne Ewald, and Greg Logan.
(left to right)

Shirley Leask was the lucky winner of free vendors fees for 2013.

Looking back on 2012, it was noted that despite difficult growing conditions, the market was a success. Vendor numbers and diversity of produce and products continue to increase.

Looking ahead to 2013, the market is working towards further enhancement to the Gathering Space structure which housing the market. With the introduction of electrically serviced stalls, new products such as fish and grass-fed beef will be available.

The 2013 Board of Directors includes Yoenne Ewald (president), Shirley Leask (vice President), Fay Perrin (Treasurer), Greg Logan (Secretary), Eckhard Rinsdorf, Delbert Taylor, and Shirley Nemez. The first market of the season will open at 4pm on Thursday July 18th!