Submitted by: Connie Beaudry
Community Resource Coordinator, Services to Seniors Swan River
Coffee and A Chat, sessions were at the Northern Neighbors Birch River Drop In Center, Benito Drop in Center, and the Swan River Senior Citizen Center. They were held November 26,27 & 28th 2024, and all started at 10 am. This month’s topics were all about Men’s Health.
Rod Seib started the conversation with men, mental health and anger, are they one and the same? There are many types of stereotypes towards men, do not dwell on these but be the best person you can be. Depression and Anxiety can show up as physical pain, reckless behavior, anger or irritability. Anger should be expressed, not suppressed-learn how to express anger in a healthy way, it is key to maintaining good mental health and well-being. Accept that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, but of strength. If you can “give the gift of listening”, offer to help others do what they may not yet feel prepared to do and check in with your friends and family often.
Barry Fawcett talked about the benefits of getting out and together with people with the same interests. The Hobby Shed of Swan River, held at the Museum complex offers such a place. If you are interested give Barry a call 204-281-0274.
At coffee break, Denis and Mike fielded questions about their display of Yukon Gold Mining, including old bones, ivory, mammoth tusks, fools gold, old bottles and containers to name a few.
Deb Schulz talked and fielded questions about the tough subject of prostate cancer. She broke the tension with showing her support of the “Movember” tradition of growing a mustache for the month of November (from the $ store of course).
She asked the audience, can you still write your name in the snow when having a pee. Deb introduced a wellness wheel that included: Social Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Physical Wellness, Environmental Wellness, Financial Wellness, Occupational Wellness
If the precluding wellness markers are all in balance, you will have a better chance of overcoming potential health crisis.
All prostate problems do not end up as cancer. Have a medical doctor do some tests to find the real culprit of your pain or uncomfortableness.
1. Prostatitis is a swelling of the prostrate and is quite common to men who sit for long periods of time( long distance truckers, farmers etc.) that causes an infection and can be cured with a simple prescription.
2. Benign (non cancerous) Prostatic Hyperplasia is NOT cancer of the prostate, but an enlarged prostrate of an unknown origin
3. Prostrate Cancer is a cancer of the prostrate and can often spread to the body parts in the general area of the prostrate
Some Symptoms of prostate enlargement #1 + #2 include:
• A sudden urgent need to urinate (urgency)
• An increase in the number of times you need to urinate during the day or night (frequency)
• A weak stream when you pass urine
• Not being able to urinate at all (retention)
• Straining when urinating
• Hesitation before the stream of urine begins to flow
• Feeling that the bladder has not emptied completely
• Dribbling or leakage of urine
• Pain when urinating
• Occasional blood in the urine (hematuria)
Depending on the symptoms, a variety of tests will be ordered to help in the diagnosis of BPH. These may include:
• A urine test to detect the presence of blood or infection.
• A blood test to check how your kidneys are functioning.
• An ultrasound or CT Scan of your abdomen to visualize the kidneys and bladder.
Treatment is usually offered based on how bad the symptoms are. Some men decide to live with their symptoms and not have treatment. Others opt for either medical or surgical treatment to alleviate symptoms. You can find more information at,
Mel and Gary gave testimonials about their cancer journey. It puts a face to cancer. We thank them for sharing their journey with us. The Murray House at 521 Frederick St. in Brandon is a cost effective place to stay when you are in the city undergoing treatments. 204-717-8700
This topic did not bring out as many men as we would have thought would be interested, but we welcomed a total of 52 people to the sessions! Thank you all for your participation. I am sure you were rewarded with information that you shared with family and friends.
We are looking forward to next year’s lineup of sessions, watch for the ad in the Star and Times, Valley Biz and CJ104 Radio. As usual the blood pressure self-testing monitoring station will be set up. Have a great winter season and we will see you January 28, 29, 30th 2025