Coffee & A Chat: Mobility and Fueling Your Body

Submitted by: Connie Beaudry, Resource Coordinator

Coffee and A Chat, sessions were at the Northern Neighbors Birch River Drop In Center, Benito Drop in Center and the Swan River Senior Citizen Center. They were held September24,25,26th, 2024, and all started at 10 am. This month’s topics were Why Mobility Matters, Benefits of Walking and Low Resistance Exercises and Foods that Fuel your muscles and joints.

Dr. Monica Cole, Doctor Of Chiropractic specializes her practice on women, pediatrics and all animals in Swan River. Her motto: Movement is Life whether it is measured in minutes, songs, miles, kilometers or steps, it all counts toward good health. Walking itself is a low resistance exercise,
• strengthens muscle and bone, and can increase balance
• creates endurance,
• makes you more alert
• increases circulation, blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to your body
• pumps the joints and spine to remove waste toxins from the joints
• walking for 10 minutes after a meal can regulate insulin sensitivity
• improves sleep with sunshine (vitamin D)

Always be aware of your surroundings, hills, wind direction, how far you are from home etc. You do not need to walk far or speed walk, just walk. If you are with a friend and can still carry on a conversation, that is probably a good speed for you. Try to set an attainable goal, it may give you something to work towards and eliminate the boredom of just walking.

Mitch Beaudry, RMT led a presentation in Swan River on Why Mobility Matters. His motto is to help you keep your health in your hands. Sedentary behavior accelerates muscular atrophy, resulting in loss of balance, strength and mobility. Simple movements can improve physical and mental well-being. Breath is your best friend.

The four pillars of Mobility:

1. Flexibility Enhances mobility-reduces stiffness and increases range of motion
2. Strength Supports Mobility-strength training supports joints and muscles
3. Balance Prevents Falls and Maintains Coordination-good balance reduces the risk of accidents
4. Endurance Helps with Daily Activities and Energy Levels-movement keeps the body and mind active

Katie Kroeker, Registered Dietitian gave us some valuable information on arthritis, how to eat a healthy diet that may free us from inflammation and agreed with Mitch and Monica to drink plenty of water, make sure to incorporate movement of your body or add regular exercise to your daily routine to help with movement, energy and general well being, this can help reduce pain, maintain and improve joint movement and physical function of your joints.

Be mindful, take time to slow down and be aware of your senses (eating, hunger, fullness, weather, beauty).
Many books and websites claim that some foods or special diets will cure arthritis or help with symptoms. However, research shows that NO food or diet will cure arthritis. If you are planning to cut out foods or change the way you eat, speak with a dietitian for help in meeting your nutrient needs.

Are there “Anti-inflammatory Foods”? Can Nutrition help with inflammation?
Dark chocolate, red wine, green tea, turmeric and ginger are thought to be anti-inflammatory but there hasn’t been enough research to confirm this. I think personally there should be no harm in having a glass of red wine and eating a dark chocolate with a friend. Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants and polyphenols such as blueberries, apples, strawberries and leafy greens. Stay away from Nightshade vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, egg plant and peppers to name a few, if you find them to cause you inflammation.

The Mediterranean diet can be beneficial, in a few words; less red meat and sweets, more fish, whole grains and vegetables.

It is about your overall pattern of eating. Not specific foods, there is no 1 food that will magically make your joints/muscles feel better and no 1 food that will make your pain significantly worse. Focus on how great it tastes and how the food makes you feel. We finished Katie’s presentation with a light lunch with nutritious Salmon Chowder.

We are looking forward to the next sessions, sponsored in part with Swan Valley Credit Union on Account Planning(beneficiary considerations, joint accounts, powers of attorney) and Tech talk. Birch River October 29th, Benito October 30th and October 31st Swan River. As usual the blood pressure self testing monitoring station will be set up.