Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – July 23, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

July 23, 2024

Northwest Region
Another week of hot weather with temperatures in the high 20’s and into 30’s. The Pas station had the highest recorded temperature at 31°C degrees. Only some areas received precipitation this week with Drifting River receiving the most at 19 mm. High humidity and smoky conditions were also common across the region this week.

High temperatures have advanced crops rapidly this week.

Winter wheat and fall rye crops are mostly in soft dough stage and looking good in most areas not affected by excess moisture. Most of the spring wheat is headed out and in grain development. Earliest fields are moving into the soft dough stage and remainder behind that. Some crops that were lodged by previous storms have recovered. Fields affected by excess moisture are showing signs of stress and are yellowed and stunted.

Earliest field peas are now in R4 stage and the remainder of crop in R3. For the most part, fields are looking good, however there are fields affected by the excess moisture and are doing poorly.

Majority of the canola crops are in the flowering/podding stages, however, later seeded fields are in the rosette/bolting stage. Crops are more advanced in Swan River/Roblin and behind in the Dauphin area due to excess moisture in spring. Fungicide application continues as appropriate stages are reached.

Soybean crops are in the R1 stage and mostly looking good. Recent heat has helped and advanced the crops quickly. There are crops in the Dauphin area that were stressed from excess moisture and are in the vegetative stage.

Provincial Overview
Warmer conditions over the past week advanced crop growth. Fall rye was in the late dough stage to dry down stage with harvest anticipated to start in about ten days if weather allows. Winter wheat stands were in the hard dough stage with some evidence of crop maturity and dry down starting to occur. Sunflower stands range from very late vegetative to the early R2 growth stage, with a lot of variation due to varied planting dates and water stressed conditions. The most advanced corn fields have begun to tassel, but most crops are between V8 and V10. The earliest seeded canola fields were pod-filling with flowering coming to an end. Increased flower blast due to the very warm temperatures was also noted by producers and agronomists.

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