Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report
July 9, 2024
Northwest Region
Several thunderstorms brought large amounts of precipitation during the week. Highest precipitation was at the Fork River station, recording 82 mm accumulated. Hail also accompanied these storms. Damage is unknown at this time. Overnight temperatures have stayed close to 10°C degrees and above this week. Highest daytime temperature was at The Pas station at 28°C degrees. Excess moisture is a concern and crops will need drying conditions.
Earliest field peas are now in R1 stage. For the most part fields are looking good, however there are fields affected by the excess moisture and doing poorly.
Spring wheat advanced into head emergence rapidly with recent heat. Most advanced fields have flowered. Fields affected by excess moisture are showing signs of stress and are yellowed and stunted. With recent moisture and humidity, fusarium head blight is a concern and many fields have been sprayed with fungicide.
Canola crops continue to be quite varied. Earliest seeded fields are flowering, and the remainder of the crop falls behind in the bolting and rosette stages. Flea beetle pressure has decreased slightly as the crops have advanced into stages that can tolerate feeding. Some poorer fields across the region are starting to bolt due to stress.
Soybean crops continue in second to fourth trifoliate stage and are mostly looking good. Recent heat has helped and advanced the crops.
Winter wheat and fall rye crops are in grain development stage and looking good in most areas not affected by excess moisture.
Provincial Overview
Fall rye and winter wheat are at the soft dough stage with the most advanced fields ripening. Spring wheat rangesfrom flag to heading stage with fungicide application for fusarium head blight occurring. Spring wheat quality is rated mostly fair to good with about 10 % of the crop being reported as poor in the Northwest, Central, and Interlake regions. Field peas have reached the R1-R2 stage, with some fungicide application occurring for mycosphaerella blight. Field peas overall crop condition continues to suffer in some regions with the extended wet conditions. Yellowing in saturated field areas continues to be evident with wilting plants and ample evidence of root rot was found in these fields. Fungicide application has also begun on canola that has reached the appropriate stage. Most crops are recovering from excess moisture and stress conditions have been noted in many regions mostly in low lying areas of fields.