Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – June 25, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

June 25, 2024

Northwest Region
Generally a better week of weather conditions. With the seeding deadline for coverage approaching, most seeding that can be completed were finalize. There are areas that remain unseeded due to excess moisture. The weekend brought precipitation to most of the region, with some localized amounts being quite heavy. Areas receiving the most precipitation were already saturated. Highest precipitation was at the Ashville and Keld stations at 45mm. No precipitation was reported at The Pas station. Overnight temperatures remained cool for most of the week. Recent precipitation has added to existing moisture stress in some areas. The challenges include unseeded acres, standing water in crops, and inability to apply pesticides. Frequent high winds have also hampered pesticide applications.

Field peas are continuing in the vegetative stage and are looking good for the most part. Majority of spring wheat is in the tillering stage and is looking good so far. Canola crops continue to be quite varied. While some reseeded/late seeded canola is just emerging, earliest seeded canola is in pre-bolt stage. Flea beetle pressure continues and is requiring multiple insecticide applications. Herbicide applications are ongoing as stages are reached however, wind and wet conditions continue to challenge timely applications.

Soybean crops are mostly in the first trifoliate stage. Winter wheat and fall rye crops are advancing and headed out.

Provincial Overview
Crop progression was noted in all regions over the last week. Fall rye stands are at the soft dough stage. In winter wheat, heads have fully emerged and flowered. Rapid advancement in winter cereal crop development continues and crop conditions are rated as good. Spring cereals continue to advance with earliest planted fields at flag leaf stage, with some barley and spring wheat heading out. Soybean and dry bean crops are progressing at a slower pace given the cooler conditions. Growth staging for both crops reported at cotyledon to second trifoliate stage.

Weed control has been acceptable in these crops. Field peas are at the 8 to 10 node stage, with some flowering in the Central region.

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