Barrows Gospel Jamboree a Blessing To All

Submitted by: Violet Plett

Barrows Gospel Jamboree was again a blessing to all who attended. Due to the unstable weather we have had, we had to run the whole event inside the hall, instead of outside at the outdoor stage. Some were disappointed it was inside, but most adapted well, and some even said we should be inside every year. Well, we will plan to be outside in future years, but thanks to the town of Barrows for letting us use the hall as a backup.

We enjoyed the singing by all the groups and individuals who came for the weekend. One family came from south of Winnipeg, just a few miles from the US border. Their 4 children played various instruments, and sang. It’s a blessing to see them using the gifts God has given them, even at a young age.

God also blessed our other adult singers with abilities to minister to others. Thanks to all singers who came.

Thanks also to the helpers we had this year. A couple of ladies, Mary and Charissa, came to help. One from Cowan, and one from Portage la Prairie. They did major amounts of behind the scenes jobs. It was a blessing to the organizers to have these ladies come for the weekend.

Thanks to the audience from near and far who came to share the weekend with us. There would be no reason to run a Jamboree, if there was no audience. We had several families come camp with us for the weekend.

We are thankful that God had given us the opportunity to run this Jamboree, and also thankful that He has helped us along the way. Thanks to all who prayed, and to all who helped in many ways. As far as we know now, we plan to do this again next year, the first weekend in June. Mark your calendars.