Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report
May 7, 2024
Northwest Region
A good start to the week, with field operations beginning across most of the region. Cool, wet weather set in mid-week bringing precipitation to most of the region. Soil moisture is considered adequate. Most field operations were paused during the rain, although a few were able to resume shortly after. The weekend brought good drying weather as well as good progress to either start or resume operations. Highest accumulations of rainfall were in Ethelbert at 35 mm and least precipitation was The Pas at 4 mm. Overnight temperatures dipped below 0°C with Alonsa station reporting -3.7°C. With the warm, dry weather over the weekend, most operations are underway now in terms of field preparation, spraying and seeding. There remains some standing water in fields which will require a couple more days of drying.
Field pea seeding is making good progress across most of the region at approximately 25% complete, being more advanced towards Roblin area.
Spring wheat seeding is also nicely getting started and is approximately 10% complete across the region.
Winter wheat and fall rye conditions vary across the region. There have been very few claims for winterkill damage.
Provincial Overview
Seeding progress across the province has been delayed with recent rains and currently sits at approximately 4% of the acres being seeded. Producers have begun seeding spring wheat, barley, oats, and corn. The Central region is most advanced with approximately 12% of each of the major cereals planted. Weeds are quickly appearing in fields including kochia, volunteer canola & wheat, flixweed, fleabane, foxtail barley, redroot pigweed, lamb’s quarters, thistles, and dandelions. Growers are encouraged to scout and use burn-off products to control weeds they see and as well use PRE-emergent products with residual control.