Submitted by: Swan River & District Community Resource Council Inc.
The Swan River & District Community Resource Council Inc. AGM was held on June 20, 2023. The meeting was called to order with a Welcome from the President Doreen Burton, Minutes of the last meeting were read by Jan Fawcett.
Some of the highlights of the meeting:
In accordance with our purpose to provide services that promote the highest quality of life for seniors so that they may remain safely in their home, our Resource Council Board is happy to have a year of returning to normal after Covid restrictions.
Thank you to Doreen Windsor for her many years of service on the board as treasurer, your attention to detail and dedication was very much appreciated. We will miss you and wish you all the best in your retirement from our Board.
We are pleased to welcome new board members: Lana and Mel Edmunds, Keith Behrmann, Corinna Medwid and Kelly Bergson. Thank you to the many volunteers, especially our volunteer drivers, for their time helping the seniors in our community. Thank you to the businesses for your generous donations and discounts that help our programs to continue to serve our community.
We have two meal programs, one at Westside Lodge and Heritage Manor, thank you to our full time cooks for their ability to provide tasty nutritious meals on a tight budget and for being a friendly face for our clients. We are in need of reliable casual cooks.
Lifeline is available to everyone in the community. A new feature is available called “On the Go Button”, it follows you everywhere you go with cellular service. Great for single people or elderly people who are still “on the go”! Call the office at 734-5707 for more information.
Submitted by,
Connie Beaudry, Community Resource Coordinator
Kyla Scales, Program Director
Board Chair, Doreen Burton
Vice President, Lana Edmunds
Treasurer, Mel Edmunds
Secretary, Jan Fawcett
And all the associated members of the Board