Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report
May 30, 2023
Northwest Region
Most of the region received welcome precipitation, with the exception of a few areas. Highest accumulated precipitation for the week was received in The Pas with approximately 42 mm. Although areas that received precipitation slowed seeding progress, the rain was welcomed to help with germination and growth. Monday afternoon system brought intense localized storms to some areas. Ashville, and Gilbert Plains area seemed to receive the most precipitation, reporting upwards of 50 mm of rainfall in a short period of time.
Spring wheat across the region sits at approximately 95% complete. Approximately 75% of the spring wheat has emerged and looks uniform. Some in-crop herbicide has begun where appropriate stages have been reached. Field peas are at 99% complete, emergence looks good and uniform and heading into the vegetative stages. Soybeans are approximately 85% planted across the region and beginning to emerge.Canola seeding is approximately 75% complete in the Dauphin area and more advanced in the Swan River/Roblin area at 85% complete. The Pas area is approximately 70% complete. Earliest seeded canola is emerging.
Provincial Overview
Seeding progress across the province is wrapping up with recent warm weather. Producers are finishing up planting with 95-99% of spring cereals, 95% of corn, 90% of soybeans, and 80% of canola planted. It is expected that all planting will be complete at the end of the week. Good emergence is being reported on spring cereals and field peas. Winter cereals are moving along rapidly with earliest fields approaching the boot stage. Topsoil moisture is dry. Later planted crops such dry beans have to be planted slightly deeper in order to capture moisture for germination. A rain across most regions would be welcomed. In most regions the soil surface is getting dry due to high temperatures and wind.