Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain held Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 at the Rural Municipality of Mountain Council Chambers in Birch River, MB.
Members Present:
Reeve: Keith Behrmann
Councillors: Wilmer Malcolm, Stephen Nadolney, Nestor Rizok, Jarrett Mosiondz, Arnie Pedersen and Brad Wyatt.
CAO Paige Wozny was present and acted as secretary.
Finance Officer Kim Paterson was also present.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Reeve Keith Behrmann, quorum being present.
2. Adoption of Agenda
Resolution No: 2023/024
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the February 8th, 2023 Regular Meeting of Council be adopted as presented.
For: 7 Against:
3. Matters Arising from Minutes
Resolution No: 2023/025
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held January 25th, 2023 be adopted as presented, all requirements having been complied with.
For: 7 Against:
4. By-Laws & Policies
4.1 Burn Permit Policy
Resolution No: 2023/026
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby eliminate the Control Burn Policy and any other policies in relation to the burning of derelict buildings.
For: 7 Against:
4.2 Employment Handbook Updates: Abuse, Discriminatory and Harassment Policy
Resolution No: 2023/027
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby amend the Employee Handbook as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto;
AND THAT any policies inconsistant herewith be hereby repealed.
For: 7 Against:
5. Financial
5.1 Financial Statements: Review
5.2 Accounts Payable
Resolution No: 2023/028
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Cheque Nos.20230098 to 20230153 be approved for payment in the amount of $90,290.50, including Council Indemnities in the amount of $5,533.70 as per By-Law 03/22 and Direct Deposit Payroll in the amount of $8,928.03 as attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’;
AND FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED THAT the direct payment amount of $6,771.89 for Receiver General for January 2023 be hereby approved.
For: 7 Against:
6. 2023 Budget Discussions
6.1 Property Cleanup & Reserve Bids: Next Meetings Agenda
6.2 Property Management: Project and Discussion
6.3 Signage Project: Staged Approach
6.4 Community Building Fund (Gas Tax) Projects: Review
6.5 Water/Wastewater 5 Year Capital Plan (MWSB): WTP Backup Generators
6.6 Fire Department Budget: Review with District Fire Chief
6.7 Waste & Recycling Budget: Budget for Contract Increases
6.8 By-Law Enforcement Budget: No Budget for 2023
6.9 Commitment to Doctor Recruitment Fund
Resolution No: 2023/029
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Jarrett Mosiondz
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize our contribution to the Doctors and other Medical Professionals Recruitment Fund for a three year term at a rate of $16.00 per capita, with the condition that all other G4 Municipalities participate;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 7 Against:
6.10 Development Plan Review
Resolution No: 2023/030
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby support the Swan Valley Planning District in the Development Plan update project;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Mountain budget for 1/4 portion of the expeses not covered by the Building Sustainable Communities Grant, should the application be successful;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 7 Against:
7. Personnel
7.1 Pine River Fire Department Members
Resolution No: 2023/031
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the appointment of C. and A. Semchyshyn to the Mountain South Fire Department in accordance with the Rural Municipality of Mountain By-Law No. 05/21.
For: 7 Against:
Councillor Malcolm left the meeting.
8. Ward Reports & Work Orders
Resolution No: 2023/032
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve Work Orders #03/2023 to #04/2023 attached hereto.
For: 6 Against:
9. Delegations/Petitions
9.1 10:30 a.m. District Fire Chief, Fire Department Budget Considerations
10. Meeting Attendance and Reports
11. General Business
11.1 Request the Return of LGD Vested Parcels
Resolution No: 2023/033
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
WHEREAS the Rural Municipality has faced many requests for the return of LGD Vested Lands in order to facilitate sales;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby request the following parcels of LGD Vested lands be returned to the Municipality to facilitate leases or land sales:
Roll Number Legal Description Number of Acres
1200.000 NW 4-32-19W 158.00
2900.000 SE 8-32-19W 160.00
28700.000 SE 5-32-21W 160.00
31500.000 NW 12-32-21W 160.00
31700.000 SW 12-32-21W 160.00
36400.000 SE 24-32-21W 160.00
41200.000 SE 36-32-21W 1.00
43600.000 NW 6-32-22W 161.00
98100.000 NW 20-33-19W 160.00
98300.000 SW 20-33-19W 159.00
100300.000 SE 32-33-19W 70.50
149400.000 & 149450.000 SW 12-33-23W 160.00
216500.000 SE 28-34-23W 147.77
222700.000 NE 8-35-20W 80.50
237200.000 SE 8-35-22W 161.00
238900.000 NW 12-35-22W .99
242300.000 SW 19-35-22W .52
300388.000 SW 27-39-26W 78.69
301751.000 NW 26-42-26W 66.94
301839.000 NW 2-43-26W 147.04
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 6 Against:
11.2 Use of RM Gravel Truck: Discussion
11.3 Waste and Recycling Contract
Resolution No: 2023/034
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby enter into a contract with OSS Waste Disposal Ltd. for a 5-year period;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT acceptance of such contract shall be only on the basis that the agreement includes a clause allowing the Municipality to terminate the contract on the basis of extreme neglegence on the part of the contractor;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 6 Against:
11.4 Birch River WTP Fence: Donation of Materials
11.5 SV RISE Membership
Resolution No: 2023/035
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Jarrett Mosiondz
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby appoint Reeve Behrmann and Councillor Nadolney to the SV RISE board for the 2023 year.
For: 6 Against:
11.6 Strategic Plan SWOT Analysis Survey: Public Participation
12. Communications
12.1 Community Foundation Awareness Week
Resolution No: 2023/036
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
WHEREAS The Community Foundation of Swan Valley is a charitable organization that is focused on the creation of permanent endowment funds; and
WHEREAS The Community Foundation’s goals include the promotion of philanthropy in the Swan Valley, sustaining permanently endowed funds, fulfilling community needs, and providing community leadership; and
WHEREAS The Community Foundation promotes the development of children, youth and seniors’ programs, promotes the arts, cultural and heritage activities, and promotes the enhancement of the environment; and
WHEREAS The Community Foundation supports health, wellness, sports and recreation as well as other community activities and facilities; and
WHEREAS The Community Foundation is a vehicle for donors to contribute their cash, trusts, bequests or real property to create permanent endowments that will build and improve our Swan Valley community;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby proclaim February 19th to February 25th, 2023 as Community Foundation of Swan Valley Awareness Week.
For: 6 Against:
12.2 Advertisements
Resolution No: 2023/037
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize advertisement in support of the National Wall of Remembrance project in the amount of $250.00.
For: 6 Against:
13. Adjournment
Resolution No: 2023/038
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be adjourned to meet again on February 22nd, 2023.
Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.
For: 6 Against: