Swan Valley School Division Minutes – April 12, 2021

Swan Valley
School Division

Executive Summary of the
April 12, 2021

Submitted by:
Jon Zilkey,

1. The Board examined Policy 13: Finances

2. The Board received a Zoom presentation from Gerald Farthing who is doing a study on a more structured partnership between UCN and SVSD. This includes looking at creating opportunities for both entities to grow and work together, particularly at our regional campus. Mr. Farthing will have a report later in June 2021 for the Board to consider. Great presentation!

3. The Board discussed the COVID case at Taylor School and SVSD procedures taken.

4. The Board continued to discuss the progress of the SVRSS Capital Project that looks to upgrade the MPR, Music Room and Gymnasium.

5. The Board discussed the Hold and Secure at ÉSRSS on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, and the Hold and Secure at Minitonas on Friday, April 9, 2021. Both schools communicated well with their stakeholders.

6. The Board examined the Staffing Report and discussed where the Division is at in regards to staffing for next year.

7. The Secretary-Treasurer reported on Capital Disbursements and the COVID Expenditure Report for the Board.

8. The Board discussed its presentation held on March 25, 2021. They discussed the next steps in receiving and distributing information on the Education Review. The Superintendent reported provincial consultations are ongoing with superintendents, secretary-treasurer’s, principals, and now a provincial student group is being formed. If anyone would like information on the Education Review or would like to discuss, please contact Board
Chair Gary Wowchuk at gwowchuk@svsd.ca.

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on April 12, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. (unapproved)
The following were present:
Chair: G. Wowchuk
Vice-Chair: W. Schaffer
L. Evans – electronic
K. Highmoor – electronic
V. Rooks – electronic
Superintendent: J. Zilkey
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch
Absent: D. Burghart, K. Riehl

Addition to Agenda By Board consensus the following additions to the Agenda were approved:
8.4 Swan River Legion Cenotaph (verbal)


K. Riehl, K. Highmoor:
THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 2021, and the special meetings of March 24 and March 30, 2021, be adopted.

W. Schaffer, L. Evans:
THAT as per Item 8.3, the Report on Capital Disbursements, be received and the payments outlined, ratified.

K. Highmoor, W Schaffer:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

L. Evans, V. Rooks: THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

K. Highmoor, L. Evans: THAT the Staffing Reports of the Superintendent/CEO, 7.2 and 16.2.1 and the recommendation to approve request 16.2.2, be received and approved.

V. Rooks, W. Schaffer: THAT we do now adjourn at 10:09 p.m.