Swan Valley School Division Minutes – November 9, 2020

Swan Valley
School Division

Executive Summary of the
November 9, 2020

Submitted by:
Jon Zilkey,

1. The Board recognized the work planned by the Coulthart Family, the Campbell Family, and SVRSS with two different events in the fight against Cancer.

2. The Board examined Policy 4: Community Engagement. Very soon, as part of this engagement, a budget survey will be sent out to all stakeholders to get their feedback on the upcoming 2021-2022 budget process, which will take place in the winter.

3. The Board discussed the changes to Orange and the optional remote learning. There are some families enrolled but the majority of students are in class. The Division has added support staff where needed to help in this transition and with the extra spacing. The Division talked about the Red Level which would involve remote learning for all. K-6 critical workers, and those with exceptional needs, lists have been made by schools in the event we go to Red. These students would also be doing the remote learning hours the same as those at home just in a school setting as per the province.

4. The Board discussed the recent announcement on the Remote Learning Resource Centre being set up by the provincial government. Soon the Division will have to pick two PD days before Christmas to allow teachers more planning for remote learning, and to possibly look at this new Remote Learning Resource Centre if it is up and running in time. Info will be sent out once a decision is made.

5. The Board will be partaking in their Fall Manitoba School Boards Association Meetings on November 21 and 23, 2020, virtually. The Board also discussed the new legislations that have been working through the provincial government and their possible impact on SVSD.

6. The Superintendent reported that staffing is slowly progressing for teaching staff. Along with the rest of the province, recruiting certified teachers has been a challenge.

7. The Board wanted to thank all staff for the amazing work they did in the transition from Yellow to Orange Level last weekend. Many staff did exceptional things to make this happen including maintenance, custodial, administration, teaching and support staff. Thank you again!

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on November 9, 2020 commencing at 7:00 p.m. (unapproved)

The following were present:
Chair: G. Wowchuk
Vice-Chair: W. Schaffer
Trustees: L. Evans – electronic
K. Highmoor
K. Riehl – electronic
V. Rooks – electronic
Superintendent: J. Zilkey
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch
Absent: D. Burghart

Additions to Agenda
By Board consensus the following additions to the Agenda were approved:

19.4 Updated Correspondence Items


R1 W. Schaffer, K. Highmoor:
THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of October 26, 2020 and the special meetings of October 29, 2020 and November 4, 2020, be adopted.

R2 L. Evans, K. Riehl:
THAT as per Report 6.1, a Notice of Motion from the October 26, 2020 Board Meeting to change Policy 17 Integrity Statement and Code of Conduct, be received and the revised policy, as presented, be approved.

R3 K. Highmoor, W. Schaffer:
THAT as per the Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, 9.2, general cheques numbering 56195 to 56290 and 2635 to 2645, transfers (bank fees) and EFT’s, which includes general and payroll in the amount of $1,592,483.28 for the month ending September 30, 2020, be approved for payment.

R4 W. Schaffer, K. Highmoor:
THAT as per Report 9.6, a Notice of Motion from the October 26, 2020 Board Meeting, to amend the Swan Valley School Division Board of Trustees Procedural By-Law 3/81 to reflect the Board Agenda Restructuring, be received and the changes, as outlined, be approved.

R5 V. Rooks, K. Riehl:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

R6 K. Riehl, V. Rooks:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

R7 K. Highmoor, W. Schaffer:
THAT the Staffing Reports of the Superintendent/CEO, 8.2 and 19.2.1, be ratified.

R8 K. Highmoor, W. Schaffer:
THAT we do now adjourn at 9:15 p.m.