Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
October 13, 2020 |
Northwest Region
Weather conditions were steady this week allowing harvest operations to near completion throughout the Northwest region.
There were a couple of nice warm days with temperatures near 20°C, but most days hovered around 10°C cooling to below zero overnight. The weekend brought strong winds and cloudy weather. Frost and heavy dew most mornings delayed early morning starts for producers wrapping up harvest operations. There were scattered isolated rain showers that slowed, but did not halt harvest progress. Some grain that did not come off dry is under aeration.
Harvest of the spring wheat crop is generally complete across the region. There was steady progress of the canola harvested this past week with approximately 95 to 99% of the canola harvested. However, there remain some fields, both standing and swathed, that need to dry down, periodic rains have kept harvest material just tough enough that harvest is challenging. These reseeded/later-germinating canola fields are still not quite ready for harvest. Yields are poor to average across the region, with some fields doing well and averaging better. Yields for most of the region range from 40 to 60 bu/acre.
Soybeans are ripe and harvest is 75% complete in the Swan Valley and 99% complete in the Roblin area with yields ranging from 35 to 40 bu/acre. Flax harvest is mostly complete in Roblin and Swan Valley, no reported yields as of yet. Fababean harvest is wrapped up in the Swan Valley and lentils are harvested.
There was good progress on post harvest field operations this past week with fields prepared for spring. Anhydrous applications have started, especially with forecasted cooling temperatures.
Corn silage harvest is nearing completion with yields at average to above average. Remaining winter feed supplies and straw are being hauled off fields to wintering areas. With pasture conditions deteriorating, herds are being supplemented or being moved to their extended grazing sites. Rainfall is needed to replenish the soils and watering holes. Dugouts are low.