Swan Valley
School Division
Executive Summary of the
September 14, 2020
Submitted by:
Jon Zilkey,
1. The board elected Gary Wowchuk as the new board chair and Bill Schaffer as the new vice-chair. Congratulations to both Gary and Bill. The board wanted to thank Laurie Evans for all of her work as board chair for the past two years.
2. The board discussed how the reopening of schools last week has gone with Covid. This included looking at:
a. The video created by SVRSS for reopening
b. Looking at procedures for student and staff illness
c. Talking about schools in the provinces that have had a case and reviewing their procedures for dealing with them
d. The checklist that has to be completed for the province
e. The staffing changes for distance learning for our immunocompromised students and partnerships formed with other divisions
f. Changes in technology to help in the event we have to go to different responses.
g. The challenges that our schools are managing with all the different procedures. It was mentioned that it will be a challenging year for all, but staff, students and parents have done extremely well so far in adapting. We have had a very good start.
3. The board postponed its workshop until September 30. In that meeting, it will be doing a board review and looking at topics on governance and code of conduct.
4. The board reviewed its committee roles and individual trustees selected different committees for the year.
5. The superintendent reported that the new teacher’s orientation went well. We have a very energetic new group of staff.
6. The board approved a request from the Minitonas PAC for an expansion to the Minitonas playground.
7. The board reviewed and agreed with the recommendation to postpone the CAT 4 tests for the 2020-2021 school year due to Covid.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on September 14, 2020 commencing at 7:00 p.m. (unapproved)
The following were present:
Chair: L. Evans – electronically to 7:25 p.m.
Vice-Chair: G. Wowchuk
Trustees: D. Burghart
K. Highmoor
K. Riehl
V. Rooks
W. Schaffer
Superintendent: J. Zilkey
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch
The meeting was called to order by the Secretary-Treasurer who in accordance with The Public Schools’ Act facilitated the election of the Board Chair and Vice-Chair.
Election of Board Chair – three calls for nominations
L. Evans nominated G. Wowchuk
K. Highmoor and K. Riehl moved nominations cease
G. Wowchuk elected Board Chair
Election of Board Vice-Chair – three calls for nominations
K. Highmoor nominated W. Schaffer
V. Rooks and K. Highmoor moved nominations cease
W. Schaffer elected Board Vice-Chair
Update Trustee Conflict of Interest:
Trustees were reminded to update, if applicable, their Declaration of Conflict of Interest.
Addition to Agenda
By Board consensus the following addition to the Agenda was approved:
8.1.1 2020-21 Enrollment Numbers – September 11, 2020
R1 V. Rooks, W. Schaffer:
THAT as per Item 1.4, a by-law of The Swan Valley School Division to appoint a Board Chair and Vice-Chair and Trustee Indemnities and Expenses be introduced to the Board and read a first time, that the rules of procedure be waived and that it be taken as read a second and third time, be now finally passed, signed by the Chair and the Secretary-Treasurer and numbered 5/2020 and the seal of the School Division affixed thereto.
R2 D. Burghart, V. Rooks:
THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of August 24, 2020, be adopted.
R3 K. Highmoor, D. Burghart:
THAT as per Item 8.3, the request from the Minitonas Principal and PAC President for an expansion to the Minitonas Playground, as outlined on the attached map, be approved.
R4 K. Highmoor, V. Rooks:
THAT as per the Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, 9.2, general cheques numbering 56092 to 56126, B 985 to B 993 and transfers (bank fees) and EFT’s, which includes general and payroll in the amount of $1,686,399.74 for the month ending July 31, 2020, be approved for payment.
R5 V. Rooks, K. Riehl:
THAT as per Item 9.4, the Report on Capital Disbursements, be received and the payment outlined, ratified.
R6 D. Burghart, K. Riehl:
THAT as per Item 14.1, the 2020/21 Fee for Service Agreement between the Swan Valley School Division and Cameron Mateika, as outlined, be approved.
R7 W. Schaffer, D. Burghart:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.
R8 D. Burghart, K. Riehl:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.
R9 D. Burghart, K. Riehl:
THAT the Staffing Reports of the Superintendent/CEO, 8.2, 19.2.1 and 19.2.2, be ratified.
R10 W. Schaffer, V. Rooks:
THAT as per Item 19.4.4, the Technology Request of Cam Mateika be received and the direction, as outlined by the Board, be approved.
R11 D. Burghart, K. Riehl:
THAT we do now adjourn at 9:02 p.m.