Town of Swan River Minutes – March 3, 2020

The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 7:30 pm in the Town Council Chambers with Deputy Mayor Wintoniw presiding and Councillors Moriaux, Whyte, Gray, Friesen, and Delaurier present.

Absent with notice: Mayor Jacobson
Also Present: Staff – ACAO P. Henkelman, PW Director D. Poole
Media – Star and Times Reporter J. Bergen

1 Call meeting to order
Deputy Mayor Wintoniw called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

2 Resolution No: 2020-112
Adoption of the Agenda
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that the Agenda for the March 3rd, 2020 regular meeting of Council be adopted.

3 Resolution No: 2020-113
Confirmation of the minutes
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED the minutes of the February 18th, 2020 regular Council meeting and the February 25th, 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting be received and approved.

4 Reception of Delegations and Hearings

5 Communications

5.1 Resolution No: 2020-114
MNP Invitation to Fraud Trends in the Public Sector
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the letter of invitation received from MNP LLP, for the Fraud Trends in the Public Sector presentation on Tuesday March 17th, 2020, be received as information.

5.2 Complaint- Pesticide Use

5.3 Resolution No: 2020-115
Letter from Swan Valley Crisis Centre
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended March 31, 2019 and 2018-2019 statistics from the Swan Valley Crisis Centre be received as information.

6 Reports of Committees

6.1 Resolution No: 2020-116
Director of Public Works Report
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED the Director of Public Works report be received.

6.2 Other Reports

6.3 Council and Town Manager Reports

7 New Business

7.1 Resolution No: 2020-117
Conditional Use 1/2020
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that Conditional Use application 1/2020 to allow a secondary suite in the basement at 304 Hill Ave be received and that a notice of public hearing for April 7th, 2020 at 7:30 pm be posted and advertised.

7.2 Resolution No: 2020-118
Motion to Cancel Agreement
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that the Water Supply Agreement signed August 17th, 2010 between the Town of Swan River and the Rural Municipality of Swan Valley West, previously the Rural Municipality of Swan River, be terminated; and that notices of Intent to Terminate Agreement be sent to the Public Utilities Board for approval and the Rural Municipality of Swan Valley West for information.

7.3 Resolution No: 2020-119
Communities in Bloom 2020 Registration
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
Seconded By: David Gray
RESOLVED that the Town of Swan River participate in the 2020 Provincial Edition of Manitoba Communities in Bloom and the $400 registration fee be approved for payment.

7.4 Resolution No: 2020-120
Approve attendance at G5 meeting
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that Council be authorized to attend the G5 meeting held on February 3, 2020 in Minitonas.

7.5 Resolution No: 2020-121
Approve attendance at meeting at Sapoteweyak
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that Mayor Jacobson and Councillor Whyte be authorized to attend meeting with Chief Genaille and Councillor Chartrand at Sapotaweyak Cree Nation on February 13, 2020.

7.6 Resolution No: 2020-122
Approve attendance at RISE meeting
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that Council be authorized to attend meeting in Minitonas on January 27, 2020 to discuss RISE with the other Valley councils.

7.7 Resolution No: 2020-123
Approve payment to Swan Valley Crisis Centre
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that the $1,000.00 annual grant to the Swan Valley Crisis Centre be approved for payment for 2020.

7.8 Resolution No: 2020-124
Fire Protection and Purchased Services Agreements – Minitonas-Bowsman
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Purchased Services Agreements with the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman have a termination date of December 31, 2019;
AND WHEREAS the Councils have been unable to meet to discuss new agreements;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Swan River extend both agreements to December 31, 2020 as long as new agreements are negotiated by October 1, 2020.

8 Unfinished Business

9 Accounts

9.1 Resolution No: 2020-125
To approve accounts
Moved By: David Gray
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED THAT the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
1. General Account Cheques No. 25747 to No. 25838 for a total of $163,250.46
2. Payroll Account Cheques No. 4625 to No. 4630 for a total of $107,979.83

10 By-Laws

11 Notice of Motion

12 Resolution No: 2020-126
In Camera
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of the Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public.
Swan Valley District Recreation Commission

13 Resolution No: 2020-127
Out of Camera
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that pursuant to Sections 152(4) of the Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.

14 Resolution No: 2020-128
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that this regular Meeting of Council now adjourn at 8:58 pm.