Swan Valley School Division Minutes – Febuary 24, 2020

Swan Valley
School Division

Executive Summary of the
February 24, 2020

Submitted by:
Jon Zilkey,

1. The Board worked on preliminary finalizing of the budget from the material provided by the Secretary-Treasurer. The public consultation budget presentation will be on March 5 at SVRSS and it will be livestreamed. This draft presentation was looked at with the Board. Once again the Board examined the 15% reduction in management that will be required by September 1.

2. The Board discussed the public meeting held by the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman in regards to the Minitonas Early Years School purchase.

3. Trustee Schaffer and the Superintendent discussed the SVWDC meetings they attended on the Farthing Report for UCN and some of the report’s recommendations.

4. The Board reviewed Policy 9 Board and Superintendent/CEO Relationship. The Board reviews a different policy every meeting.

5. The Board discussed a letter they received from the Swan Valley Teachers’ Association in regards to the upcoming budget.

6. The Superintendent talked about the work the Division is going to be doing in the future with the new ELA curriculum with a literacy consultant coming in to work with some of our teachers in March.

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on February 24, 2020 commencing at 7:00 p.m. (unapproved)

The following were present:
Chair: L. Evans
Vice-Chair: G. Wowchuk
Trustees: K. Highmoor
K. Riehl
V. Rooks
W. Schaffer
Superintendent: J. Zilkey
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch
Absent: D. Burghart

R1 K. Riehl, W. Schaffer:
THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of February 10, 2020, be adopted.

R2 K. Highmoor, W. Schaffer:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

R3 V. Rooks, K. Riehl:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

R4 V. Rooks, K. Riehl:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

R5 W. Schaffer, V. Rooks:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

R6 K. Highmoor, W. Schaffer:
THAT the Staffing Reports of the Superintendent/CEO, 8.2, 19.1.1 and 19.1.2, be ratified.

R7 K. Highmoor, W. Schaffer:
THAT the Report of the Secretary-Treasurer on the Home Builders Certificate Program, 19.2.2,
be received and the recommendation as outlined, be approved.

R8 K. Riehl, V. Rooks:
THAT we do now adjourn at 8:35 p.m.