In October Elks Lodges across Canada planned events to promote new membership in the Order. The Elks Lodges in Swan River hosted a Dessert & Coffee Open House on October 30, 2019.
Unfortunately, after 65 years in Swan River and an estimated $1,000,000.00 of donations back to projects in the Valley, no one came forward to show interest in joining or assisting our Lodges in the fundraising work that it takes to raise the money to donate to the youth, sports facilities, schools, library, health care etc. in the community.
New members with new ideas for fundraising are desperately needed for us to be able to continue provide community support and keep our national charity the Elks & Royal Purple Fund for Children strong to assist children with Speech & Hearing challenges.
For more information contact:
Malcolm Shaw, Elks Lodge #384 @ 204-734-9130
Jan Fawcett, Royal Purple Elks Lodge #185 @ 204-614-0147