Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
September 3, 2019 |
Northwest Region
Cool weather with widespread rain over the weekend. An average of 25 to 33 mm rain throughout the region, with the highest amount of 46 mm around Swan River. There was hail mid-week in the Swan River Valley and a frost early Monday morning through Minitonas/Birch River area; damage continues to be assessed.
Cool nighttime temperatures are resulting in heavy morning dew further slowing down harvest progress. Unsettled cool, wet weather delayed overall harvest progress within the region; the best estimate is less than 30% of the crop is combined. Field pea harvest is virtually complete around Roblin with some fields remaining in the Swan River area. Spring wheat crop is generally ripe in the region however; the recent wet weather has caused some sprouting and dry weather is needed for the grain to dry down before combining. Around Roblin, the red spring wheat is being swathed, in the Swan River area combining has begun.
Operations are further ahead in the Dauphin/Ste. Rose area where wheat harvest is nearing completion. Yields are lower where there were dry soil conditions throughout the growing season. The canola crop continues to mature throughout the region and swathing is well underway. Haying in most of the region is in its final stages this season. Yields were below average throughout the region, on average 30 to 50% of normal. Pastures are in poor shape with a lot of overgrazing occurring due to limited to no regrowth throughout the season.
Grasshoppers in the later part of the growing season are also eating on any re-growth that did occur and are still a problem. Grasses are greening up over the last couple of weeks with some precipitation but cooler days and very cool nights are now limiting growth. Supplementation on pastures is a necessity.
Producers are waiting on corn silage harvest to occur to make up the shortage on winter feed supplies. Straw, greenfeed, silage and other forages are being baled as feed sources. Crops intended for grain are being converted and harvested as silage or baled. Livestock water supplies are low, affecting water quality and dugouts are running out of water. With the recent rains over the weekend, it is hoped that the waters supplies will start to replenish prior to freeze-up.