Local Kids Do Well on the MB Milk Run

Submitted by: Angela Mullin

The Milk Run is a series of horse shows along what is believed to be the route the Milk Truck took years ago to pick up the farmers milk!

Dax Mullin, Kailey McArthur & Tyler Petelski started in Gilbert Plains show on Saturday, July 13, 2019. On Sunday we moved on to Oak River, Monday night we left for Strathclair. After Strathclair it was Shoal Lake, Hamiota, Harding and finished up Saturday the 20th in Oak Lake!

The kids showed in Showmanship, Halter, Pleasure, Equitation, Trail, Barrels & Poles! They won some & lost some, but had a great time seeing so many different places & people!

Most of the shows had around 100 horses entered, from Minis to Heavys, but mostly the light horse! The ribbons and prizes will be reminders of the fun they had, and all the great people we met along the way. From all over MB and SK! Late nights & early mornings, homemade pies at each fair, pancake breakfasts and showers (sometimes cold)! Hot days, rainy mornings and a few lighting storms.

The kids can’t wait for the Northwest Roundup this weekend, Thursday night is the 4H show and the Big Woody Light Horse achievement night!