The Healing Labyrinth Walk took place May 26, 2019 on a crisp, spring morning with eight people taking part. Each one was asked to think of an area of healing they would like to focus on. Some suggestions were that they may want to consider an area of grief. Others were invited to consider a broken relationship or a damaged self image or a memory that was still painful or whatever it was they were hoping to find healing in.
Then each person selected a small pebble that would represent the ‘burden’ they would be carrying into the Labyrinth. When they arrived at the centre they were to leave their ‘burden’ represented by the pebble there and take the steps out of the Labyrinth. Afterwards the pebbles were gathered and prayed over for the area of healing they represented. Since this was an intensely private experience we were careful to preserve each person’s privacy and trust the healing to God and the healing process.