Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
May 14, 2019 |
Northwest Region
Drying winds, warmer temperatures and no precipitation allowed for seeding to progress at a good pace in the region. The exception is The Pas, where a few more days of good weather needed before spring operations begin. Soil is warming up rapidly and soil moisture is generally adequate throughout the region with dryer soil moisture conditions on the east side of the region. Daytime temperatures are warming up to the low 20s; however overnight temperatures continued to
dip below zero.
There was continued field operation progress and spring seeding over the week, including some harrowing, fertilizer applications, pre-seed herbicide a applications, seeding of wheat, silage corn, peas and some canola. Clean up from the 2018 season continues at The Pas. Reports estimate that overall, seeding progress in the Northwest Region is 40% complete; there are more acres seeded around Dauphin than the rest of the region. Approximately 70 to 80% of the spring wheat crop is in the ground in the Swan River area; around Roblin, about 85% of the spring wheat is seeded. Barley and oats are 85% in the ground in the Roblin area. Field peas are 80 to 95% seeded in the whole region. Canola seeding is also underway and estimated at 10 to 20% complete. Soybean planting
has just begun, while fababeans around Swan River are 80 to 85% sown. Winter cereals are greening up well and seem to have made it through the winter in good condition.
Excellent snow cover in most fields buffered the prolonged cold winter. Volunteer plants, including cereals and canola, are evident in many fields. Weed growth including stinkweed, dandelions, hemp nettle, thistle, quackgrass and wild oats is general throughout the area. Insect activity is quiet.
Forage growth remains slow with the cool temperatures and lack of precipitation. Dugouts are three quarters to half full in certain areas. Warmer temperatures in the last few days will bring increased forage growth but a rain would be welcome around Dauphin.