Swan Valley School Division Minutes – September 10, 2018

Swan Valley
School Division

Executive Summary of the
September 10, 2018
Regular Board Meeting

Submitted by:
Tim Mendel

1. Trustees who attended CSBA shared information from sessions they attended at the conference. The conference is a great opportunity to see what is happening across Canada in terms of Public Education.

2. The Board was updated on the consolidation of Minitonas School. Junior lockers finally arrived and have been installed. The library cataloguing is nearing completion, the K washroom needs to be hooked up and some outside concrete work needs to be completed. Thanks again to Staff, Maintenance and Tech Departments and the Administrator for all of your hard work.

3. Initial enrollment across the Division would indicate that we are down about 15-20 students. The official count does not occur until September 28th, so the number may change.

4. The Board was provided information about PD Initiatives being undertaken by the Division this year. K-8 ELA Implementations, Grade 7 Numeracy Project, Action Learning School, Reading Recovery and Read Apprenticeship.

5. The Board passed a motion changing the name of the Minitonas Middle Years School to Minitonas School.

6. The Board will rename one of its capital reserve funds to include playground equipment. The Superintendent was tasked with creating guidelines for schools to access these funds.

7. The Board gave consent for administration to setup an auction/garage sale to sell unwanted equipment the Division possesses. The SVRSS sports teams will be asked to help with the setup and conducting the sale. All proceeds then will be donated to the SVRSS sports teams.

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on September 10, 2018 commencing at 7:30 p.m. (unapproved)

The following were present:
Chair: K. Riehl
Trustees: D. Burghart
K. Highmoor
V. Rooks
W. Schaffer
G. Wowchuk

Superintendent: T. Mendel
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch
Absent: L. Evans, S. Haluschak, B. Stephen

R1 V. Rooks, W. Schaffer:
THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of August 27, 2018, be adopted.

R2 K. Highmoor, G. Wowchuk:
THAT as per the Superintendent/CEO Report, 8.1, the name change for Minitonas Middle Years School to Minitonas School, be approved.

R3 W. Schaffer, K. Highmoor:
THAT as per the Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, 9.2, general cheques numbering 53653 to 53708; B 568 to B 599; transfers (bank fees) and EFT’s, which includes general and payroll in the amount of $1,643,609.11, for the month of July, be approved for payment.

R4 G. Wowchuk, K. Highmoor:
THAT the Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, 9.3, Capital Disbursements, be received and the payments outlined, be ratified.

R5 W. Schaffer, V. Rooks:
THAT as per Item 13.2, the Proposal from the Swan River Legion Cenotaph Committee of Branch #39, to refurbish the Legion’s 2nd Street North Cenotaph (Taylor School), be received.

R6 K. Highmoor, G. Wowchuk:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

R7 W. Schaffer, V. Rooks:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

R8 V. Rooks, W. Schaffer:
THAT we do now adjourn at 10:05 p.m.