Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
May 14, 2018 |
Northwest Region
Seeding progressed at a good pace, where conditions allowed. Soil moisture is variable throughout the region.
Roblin and Dauphin area soil conditions are dry to very dry; Swan River is also concerned about dry conditions while at The Pas, conditions are adequate. The soil is warming up rapidly. Daytime temperatures are warming however overnight temperatures continued to dip down below zero with temperatures as low as -5°C in many parts of the region.
There was continued progress on field operations and spring seeding over the week, including harrowing, fertilizer applications, pre-seed herbicide applications, seeding of wheat, silage corn, peas and some canola. The exception is The Pas area where field operations are waiting for additional drying. Overall, seeding progress is estimated at 50% complete.
Approximately 50% of the spring wheat crop is seeded in the Swan River area with closer to 100% of the spring wheat in Roblin seeded. Seeding of peas is nearing completion around Roblin and 80% in the Swan River area. Canola seeding is also well underway and estimated at 25-30% with a good start to soybean seeding. Cool overnight temperatures have resulted in some producers delaying seeding soybeans and canola until the danger of frost is past.
Volunteers, including cereals and canola, are evident in many fields. Weed growth including stinkweed, dandelions, hemp nettle, thistle, quackgrass and wild oats is general throughout the area.
Forage growth remains slow, being inhibited by lack of moisture and heat. Frost damage to alfalfa fields will depend on fertility and last fall’s management of the stand. The dry conditions are fueling grassland fires that continue to damage infrastructure on pastures. Seeding of corn silage fields is underway.