Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
May 7, 2018 |
Northwest Region
Windy drying weather was experienced throughout the week with temperatures in mid 20s over the weekend. Some light scattered showers through the weekend, with no significant accumulated precipitation. Soil moisture is at a surplus in the northern part of the region to adequate through the central part of the region. Soils in the Roblin area are dry.
Field operations including tillage, fertilizer and herbicide applications, and seeding are underway throughout most of the region. The Pas is the exception, fields are drying, but still wet with limited spring activity.
The majority of seeded acres are field peas and spring wheat. Winter cereals have generally survived the winter with few issues.
Weed growth, including stinkweed, dandelions and wild oats is occurring throughout the area. There is minimal insect activity to date.
Pastures and hay fields have just begun to green up. Growth is not yet adequate to supply sufficient forage for grazing animals. Rain would further advance forage growth. Livestock water supplies throughout the region are adequate. Grassland fires around Eddystone and The Narrows have claimed some of the traditional pasture areas and damaged infrastructure. Some issues of unintended cattle co-mingling throughout the coming grazing months.