Submitted by:
Evelyn Bredin |
Approximately 30 ladies met at Community Bible Fellowship for the annual Women of the Valley Conference on March 24, 2018. The day began with a Continental Breakfast / Social Time which led into the program of the day.
Following an ice breaker by Myrna Zinkiew, Tobey Thiessen, Margaret Nemez, Michelle Rinsdorf and Romy Russell led us in a time of worshipful singing which set the stage for our speaker, Dona Franklin. Dona shared from her heart a message that encouraged us to have a heart of love and peace through our life journey.
Jackie Snell and Myrna Zinkiew prepared and served us a lovely lunch. Pam Nickel was present with a table display of her Young Living Essential Oil products which provided ladies opportunity to be informed of the use of essential oils. The afternoon began with a humorous video by Jeanne Robertson. Special music was provided by a ladies’ ensemble from Temple Baptist Church and Dona shared her faith story, challenging us to be FAT – Faithful, Available and Teachable.
Thankyou to Katharina Rinsdorf for chairing the planning team for this event and a thankyou to those who provided giveaway gifts which always brings a smile and fun to recipients.