Submitted by: Jessica Bergen | The second Everything’s a Quarter sale put on by the Parent Pack was a huge success! With donations accepted from the public, the Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre was filled with many new and gently used items for sale. With absolutely everything for sale at only 25 cents, things moved quickly!
When all was said and done and the money counted, $1,269.15 was raised for the Swan Valley Animal Protection League!
A huge thank you to the following for their contribution to this sale:
– Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre for their donation of the space
– Local media for their donation of advertising
– The Parent Pack for putting together another successful sale
– Swan Valley Animal Protection League for partnering with us and providing volunteer workers
– Shoppers for supporting the great cause!
We hope to run an event like this again in the fall!
The Parent Pack is a group of parents, guardians and caregivers of pre-school children. We exist to facilitate and develop relationships between us as adults and our children. If you would like to join the Parent Pack, email us at