Youth Survey Identifies Swan Valley Risk Factors

Submitted by:
Beverley Polon |

Swan Valley Communities That Care (SVCTC) hosted a luncheon Community Information meeting in the SVRSS Muti-Purpose room on December 14, 2017.

Approximately 35 community members, students and SVCTC Board members participated in this event. This meeting was held in order to share the Data results from the SVCTC Youth Survey that was conducted in the SV School Division in April 2016. At that time, youth, grades 7-12, answered an online questionnaire with approximately 138 questions that have created a risk and protective factor profile for the Swan Valley.

From these results, the SVCTC Data group, presented a summary of 4 elevated risk factors for the meeting participants to consider and then vote on as a community to determine the priority focus for moving forward in making positive change for SV youth. The identified elevated risk factors considered were:

1. Alcohol & Drug Use – Community Domain
Laws regulating alcohol and other drug sales and use are poorly enforced. Further, adults communicate that it is normative or acceptable for minors to use alcohol or other drugs.

2. Community Disorganization – Community Domain
Students report that they may not feel safe in their neighbourhood or that there is crime in their neighbourhood.

3. Parental Attitudes Towards Antisocial Behavior/Drug Use – Family
Youth reported that there were some permissive attitudes towards drug and alcohol use or antisocial behavior

4. Intentions To Use Drugs – Peer/Individual Domain
Youth reported an intention to use drugs or alcohol as adults.

The priorities chosen by those at the meeting to focus on were: Intentions to Use Drugs (#4) & Parental Attitudes Towards Antisocial Behaviour/Drug Use (#3).

SVCTC is now in the process of creating a Resource Assessment report for the Swan Valley. All of this information will then be shared in the upcoming Community Planning meetings designed to set goals and initiate programs that will address the two community chosen risk factors. After this process is complete, SVCTC will have a road map in regards to programming and implementation of programs for the next 2-3 years.