Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
September 25, 2017 |
Northwest Region
Temperatures were cooler this week and rainfall events, sometimes heavy, were common throughout the region mid-week resulting in harvest delays.
Roblin received 10 mm of precipitation, Swan River 10 to 20 mm, Dauphin area 25 to 75 mm, and The Pas 65 mm. There have been hard frosts in the northern part of the region.
Spring wheat harvest is nearly complete with 90 to 100% of the crop harvested throughout the region. Spring wheat yields of 75 to 80 bu/acre around Roblin, and 60 to 90bu/acre around Swan River have been reported. Harvest of barley and oats is generally complete with reports of oats yielding 150 bu/acre and barley yielding 100 bu/acre in the Roblin area.
Until rainfall mid-week, the canola harvest had been progressing steadily throughout the region; some operations were able to resume by the weekend. Approximately 65% of canola fields have been combined around Swan River, and 95% around Roblin. Yields range from 50 to 60 bu/acre. Canola harvest in the Dauphin, McCreary and Ste. Rose areas is nearing completion.
Soybeans and fababeans are nearing maturity. Harvest of soybeans, fababeans, and flax is just starting. Fall fieldwork was limited this week due to wet conditions. Volunteers and weeds are actively growing.
Corn silage harvest is underway. Annual forages affected by earlier frost in the northern part of the region are being tested for nitrates. Pastures are recovering due to recent rains although sites on lighter land are requiring supplementation. Some producers have begun to move cattle off summer pastures.