On a glorious Manitoba morning thirteen women, men and children from all over Manitoba and a couple from Alberta, came out to help inaugurate the Kenville United Church Labyrinth on August 5, 2017.
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Just enough to ensure lots of company but not too many to crowd the labyrinth. The next nearest labyrinth is at least 200 kilometres away, according to the World Wide Labyrinth locator which locates all labyrinths in the world.
Labyrinth walkers had a brief introduction to the process. A process which amounts to walking the winding Labyrinth path which circles to the centre and back. Walkers or pilgrims were asked to hold some thought, hope or concern – or even a question – in their mind as they walked.
They were invited to trust that in the process all sorts of material would emerge from their souls or from God as they moved closer to the centre. Also, all kinds of actions might be suggested as they moved closer to the outside circle. At the turns several paused to reflect on the thoughts and actions that arose.
It was a moving experience for several of them.
This labyrinth is located on the lot behind the Kenville United Church in Main Street is open to all during the summer months (it is signposted). No need to let anyone know, just come along and walk whenever you wish to.
If, however, you would like more information, please contact Kevin Sprong at [204] 281-2402.