Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – June 5, 2017

Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture June 5, 2017 |

Northwest Region
Warmer temperatures throughout the Northwest region and strong winds contributed to dry down soil surfaces and allowed seeding operations to progress through the week. Rainfall was limited to light scattered showers in the Dauphin area with 13 mm of rain received in The Pas. Soil moisture conditions are extremely variable with some soils in the Roblin area rated dry, while soil moisture conditions are considered excessive in the northern part of the region as in localized parts of the Dauphin area.

Overall seeding progress in the Northwest Region is estimated to be 90% complete with the exception of The Pas where seeding is less than 5% complete. In the region, 95% of the wheat crop is seeded and 85% is emerging. Eighty to one hundred percent of the canola crop is seeded with approximately 75% of the crop nicely emerged. Approximately 95% of the soybeans are seeded and are emerging; approximately 80% of field peas and lentils are planted and emerging. Winter cereals in the Roblin area are near the flagleaf stage.

Strong winds are a challenge for herbicide applications however operations have started and will continue as field conditions allow and as crops reach the proper stage. There are reports of spraying for flea beetle damage in some canola fields in the Swan River Valley. Injury caused is considered minimal in many cases. Diamondback moth monitoring trap counts remain low.

Forage growth improved this past week with the warmer temperatures. Some areas are looking for rainfall for continued growth in both annual and perennial forages, while other areas need dry weather conditions to improve pasture growth. Cattle continue to be moved out to pasture.