Local Artists Showcased at Little Woody Art Show

Submitted by:
Renate Wille

Once again this year, the Little Woody Little Woody Baptist Church Art Show was a very successful and fun event.

The variety, quality and love for the art and crafts could clearly be seen.

Click any picture for a larger version.

About 100 visitors came to view the displays, enjoy the food and visit with friends and new friends.

There were 14 Exhibitors: Wilma Barkman, Beth Brown, Mary Jane Eichler, Barb Filuk, Terry Filuk, Holly Kushniryk, Barb L’Abbe, Naomi Nemez, Peyton Nemez, Ryan Nemez, Shirley Nemez, Lydia Neufeld, Obi Okonkwo, Renate Wille.

Obis (the youngest) first painting of a happy Zebra shows his enjoyment in creating art.

I hope this creativity stays with him for all his life, as it does for the rest of us.