FREE Presentation and
It’s Not Right!
For Neighbours, Friends & Families of Older Adults
Friday, February 24, 2017
Elks Hall (112–5th Ave S)
Doors Open at 11:30
Lunch at 12:00 pm
Presentation at 1:00 pm
*Preregistration is REQUIRED for the lunch*
Presented by:
Please join Theresa Roberts of PEAM (Prevent Elder Abuse MB) for this dynamic event. The workshop teaches citizens of all ages to recognize warning signs of abuse of older adults and to respond safely and supportively. True-to-life scenarios are used to facilitate discussion and to build skills.
The agenda will include:
– Learning to recognize warning signs and risk factors
– Discussion about ageism
– Scenarios – video presentations of situations of abuse and neglect
– Building skills: how to respond safely and supportively / how to have a conversation about suspected abuse
To preregister or for more information please contact:
Kay Markle, Community Resource Coordinator at 204-734-5707
This event is financially sponsored by:
Community Futures Parkland – Seniors’ Financial Literacy Project