Brian Burick Removed as Deputy Reeve Story|

At a special meeting on May 16, 2016 the Council of the Municipality of Swan Valley West passed a resolution to remove Brian Burick as Deputy Reeve. In a second resolution, Terry Neely was appointed interim Deputy Reeve.

Brian Burick | File Photo

Prior to the vote, Reeve Vern Scouten made a statement that questioned Burick’s loyalties and ultimately requested his resignation as Deputy Reeve.

A lengthy discussion took place regarding the disclosure of confidential information from in-camera sessions. Burick admitted that he publicly discussed events that occurred during a recent in-camera session.

Burick also admitted to feeding information to the local radio station, an action which contravenes the Municipality’s Media Relations Policy. Bill Gade, the owner of that same radio station (CJ104), was recently served with a cease and desist notice on behalf of the Municipality for defamatory activity described as “very serious libel.”

Bill Gade Background Information