Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development May 2, 2016 |
Northwest Region
There were light showers on Sunday through the northern parts of the Northwest Region. Soil moisture conditions vary over the region with drier areas and localized ponding in Swan River and The Pas. Soil moisture is rated as adequate to good in the areas of Roblin, Dauphin and Ste Rose. Snow remains in some treed areas and along ditches and fence lines.
Field operations have just begun in some fields in the southern part of the region, including pre-seed herbicides and fertilizer application. Some seeding of spring wheat has occurred. Weed and volunteer crop growth is negligible in most fields.
Forages are just beginning to grow in the region as cooler temperatures in April delayed forage growth. Light showers overnight and forecasted warmer temperatures this week will be of benefit to forages and pastures. Livestock water supplies are adequate.