The North West Regional Library was a busy spot as the host the Festival of Tree December 1 -5, 2015. The public support was tremendous. Hot apple cider , cookies and Tim Bits were enjoyed by all.
Pictures by ValleyBiz
Click any picture for a larger version.
Fifteen trees were decorated and displayed for the festival. Lots of imagination went into the planning of these trees.
Winning the tree category by Peoples Choice this year was the Harley House with their tree decorated in tea cups and tea pot.
Second place was the Aboriginal Head Start Program tree.
Gingerbread House contest was won by Heyes School and Taylor school Grade 2 classes. Each school class in the valley was offered a gingerbread house courtesy of Extra Foods and Chamber of Commerce, sixteen classes participated.
Many classes came to the library to view and vote on their tree and listen to a Christmas story.
Happy Holidays to all from the Library!