Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman held in Council Chambers, in Minitonas, Manitoba this 6th day of October, 2015 A.D. at 7:00 p.m.
Reeve –C. Eisner
Councillors: G. Bartel, J. Caruk, C. Densen, L. Hutman, L. Mychalchuk
C.A.O. – K. Chartrand
Absent with Notice:
S. Walmsley
7:00 p.m. – Craig Cooley & Dennis Kalynuk – Taxation Concerns
7:30 p.m. – Minitonas Curling Club
8:00 p.m. – Kristin Brading – BMP – 2014 Audited Statements
Additions to Agenda:
4.14 Contract Employee
4.15 Ratepayer Tax Payment
4.16 Employee Assistance Program
5.5 Fuel Tank – Fire Hall
5.6 HomeTown Manitoba Grant
1. J. Caruk – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT Deputy Reeve Mychalchuk does hereby assume the position of Chair until Reeve Eisner is able to attend.
2. L. Hutman – C. Densen
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as amended.
3. L. Mychalchuk – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT Reeve Eisner does hereby assume the position of Chair.
4. C. Densen – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on September 15th, 2015 shall be adopted as circulated.
5. L. Mychalchuk – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT the members of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman Council do hereby agree to go ‘In Camera’ as a Committee of the Whole in accordance with Subsection 152 (3)(b)(ii) of The Municipal Act, and with respect to item 4.15.
6. C. Densen – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT we do agree to return to reopen the meeting to the public in accordance with Subsection 152(4) of the Municipal Act.
7. L. Mychalchuk – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT the letter from E. Hart shall be received.
8. J. Caruk – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby accept the 2014 Draft Financial Statement for the Town of Minitonas and the Rural Municipality of Minitonas as presented by BMP Chartered Accountants.
9. L. Mychalchuk – L. Hutman
WHEREAS Council has received a Progress Estimate for the Site 37-2013 as well as the Contractors Invoice; and
WHEREAS Stantec has reviewed the invoice and recommends that the Municipality make payments in full as indicated.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby agree to pay the attached invoice and authorize the CAO to sign the Progress Estimate as required.
10. L. Hutman – L. Mychalchuk
RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman does hereby approve the attendance of the Assistant CAO, Patti Simpson at the MEBP Benefits Administrative Seminar in Brandon, MB on Friday October 30th, 2015; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all applicable expenses shall be paid in accordance with current Municipality Indemnity By-law.
11. G. Bartel – C. Densen
RESOLVED THAT all members of council shall be appointed as members of the Board of Revision, that Reeve Clint Eisner shall be appointed as the Chairperson, and that C.A.O. Kasey Chartrand shall be appointed as the Recording Secretary to hear appeals to the real property, personal property and business property assessment roll for 2016.
12. L. Mychalchuk – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT the council does hereby agree to enter into an Agreement for Contract Services as per the attached;
13. L. Mychalchuk – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman does hereby agree to continue past curfew by majority of council in accordance with the current Procedures By-Law.
14. J. Caruk – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 11:15 P.M. to meet again on October 20th, 2015.